




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

(UNKNOWN, MYSTERIOUS AND DANGEROUS SONG OF A NEW BEGINNING PLAYING) Hi, i'm JON. I'm 21, 5'7" and about 155 pounds. I like playing videogames, watching anime, practicing martial arts, working out, running at dangerous, unstoppable and unimaginable speeds, accomplishing my goals, excitement and more... Some of my accomplishments are: Running up and down 1,000 flights of stairs without stopping, holding a stetch for 1-3 minutes 100 times to 100 anime opening themes, and doing 10,000 jumping jacks in a single day. Some of the videogames I like are: Final Fantasy 10, Dark Cloud, Shadow Hearts 2, Xenosaga 2, Suikoden 3, Wild Arms 3, Onimusha 2, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry 3, and Mana Khemia. Some of the anime's I like are: Street Fighter 2: The Animated Series, Baki The Grappler, Blood: The Last Vampire, Death Note, GTO, KARAS, and Project A-ko...

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