






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

biography -

************************************ Emanuela Ligal was born in Padua the 17/05/1958.

She draws and paints from 1977.

From 1978 she spent a year in London at Kensington Garden Square.

Between 1982 and 1983 she lived an experience, lasted one year, in the buddhist monastery, named Tosho-ji, in Tokyo (Shinagawa-ku) where she was driven by the Zen master Ban-Roshi and by the well-known Irish nun Maura Soshin OHalloran.

From 1989 she spent a year in Tuscany, during which she exhibited her works in Chianciano Terme City.

In March 2000 she showed part of her canvases in the gallery The Emergent Collector at the East-village in New York City.

She has attended, in November 2002, the  International Review of Contemporary Art - Magica - the magic in art  to the Estense Castle of Ferrara.

Today she lives and works in Padua.

Her creativity is the result of her experiences, all, always lived in a very intense manner. In the apparent banality of the existence, she sees the mask that she or others personages wear in daily ambits. Irony, originality, are revealed by the bold shapes and the bright colours, always used with masterly skill.

I feel well in the nature, but I live in a complex society; consequently I have become an artist.


Emanuela Ligal

born and work in Padua (Italy) but she has sojourned in Tuscany, in London and fundamental for her personal and artistic growth has been the experience lasted one year, at the oriental Buddhist monastery Tosho-ji in Tokyo, were she has known the Zen culture.

In 2000 she has make an important personal exhibition in New York.

Emanuela Ligal has always lived in a deep manner and such intensity is reflected with strength and brilliance also in her paintings where the creative fit born from the core of all her past experiences.

The artist realizes works in acrylic in which the human visage became mask is the main subject.

Fragments of bright colours, in ironical and joyous tones, compose these faces.

She put in scene how in reality everyone always appear in a different way from what he truly is, also in the daily environment of our life.

Ligal investigate, starting from an alert observation and analysis of the man condition in the modern society, the eternal and human dualism between mask and face, truth and pretence, dream and reality.

The result is the awareness of how the man is forced to assume a dress that stifles his real being.

The authoress, availing herself of these figures, she mean to disclose the authentic identity which hide itself behind the human appearances and lay them bare in them pathetic ridiculousness but also in all them human weakness.

The colours, often of bright contrasting tonalities, they are spread by flats background paintings that create figures which remain in the middle between a human visage and its abstraction, the fantasy and the reality.

The human face tends to lose the realistic personal characteristics to transform itself and to merge in a fantastic dimension.

Observing Emanuela Ligal paintings it rise an association rather immediate with one of the literature big master, Luigi Pirandello.

Also if through a kind of investigation more joyful than that of the Italian writer, Ligal makes a lucid pitiless unmasking of the relativity of the human condition rich of appearances and split personality, leading us in a mysterious and alchemic world of feelings, an attractive universe that induce the Italian authoress to probe many countenances and aspects. By Paola Trevisan

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