• Karen Helsing
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 71 of 75
  • Added 13 Oct 2010
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Heartache City

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Anonymous Guest

Deborah Sussex 07 Sep 2012

Have you had your work in a gallery and if so, where can we see it? If not, it should be. It's soulful, Karen. Love it!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Deborah! Can you e-mail me a list of galleries?

Gina Cowins 11 May 2012

Keep up the good work.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Gina. I certainly will.

John Cappello 13 Feb 2012

I'm feeling this Now, But I recommended going through this many times a year,(makes You tough as a Rhino) And I've learned that to Win one should show No Emotion to the other person.

Artist Reply: I know how it is. Whether showing no emotion to the other person is the way to win depends on who the other person is. If the person broke your heart on purpose, yes. If, on the other hand, it was a misunderstanding, hiding your emotions can make the problem worse.


The Title and this Striking artwork is a brilliant collaboration,my Friend!!!Very moving and powerful!!!God Bless!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! Some of my art is in both AW Calendars!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 14 Oct 2011

what a unique and special and great site you have!!!! love it!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! I love your art too!