• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 202 of 279
  • Added 07 Aug 2011
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Hot One

Yeah, it’s been a scorcher of a Summer in Texas this year – the ninas you know. Last year was unseasonably cool and this year we’re setting records and we haven’t even been in training – woo-hoo! ~:0) So we’re out on the plateau near where the “Hurry Sundown” photo was shot looking for a nice field with stubble from a recent harvest when a nice spot presents itself. Then it’s just a matter of getting a nice Ford hot-rod out and convincing an attractive young lady to hang about in the noon-day sun. She must have been English – at the time it didn’t occur to ask since she did at least have her own hat much like the rest of us. Great gag in this foto – at least I think so – we had a Hot-Rod, a Hot-Girl and a Hotter-than-Hot day. Shot as quickly as I could using me trusty Canon G11 on the rod and introduced everyone properly to Doctor Photoshop – with an assist from triple bracket of -1,0,+1 punched up with Photomatix Pro and m’ own special “dark-room” adjustments – finished up with a thorough pounding with a very large hammer ~:0) Sadly the sun was so intense that day that the car and the spunky sheila melted clean away leaving only a heaving great puddle of paint and denim at the corner of the stubble-field. One fun tidbit I noticed whilst purusing the ground was that all those stalks of hay made up an intricate matrix of little “X’s” – more X’s – I surmise – than anyone else has ever submitted to an organization that might find it’s self interested in the crossed-members -Ha! Say! While you’re all at it, snap some great photos – talk with some nice folks and share it all with your mates ~:0) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 18 Aug 2012

,Awesome Work there buddy

Artist Reply: Thanks John - it was really hot that day - fortunately we were able to reconstitute the model by adding water after the shoot - Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!

Maria Anna Machado 19 Aug 2011


Artist Reply: Thanks very much for stopping by - yeh it was a hot one that fine day ~:0) VivaChas!

Steve Farr 16 Aug 2011

So appropriately title, Chas!! A "Hot One" indeed, my friend!!!~S

Artist Reply: Thanks Steve - we stay in doors during the heat and work with our routers and scroll saws - Ha! - Hot One! ~:0) VivaChas!

jamie winter 11 Aug 2011

love it, just wonderful

Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie - I'm still sweating from this one ~:0) VivaChas!

Karen Helsing 08 Aug 2011

Wow! Hot is right!

Artist Reply: Yeah we're stuck between hot & dry - Ha! Been so dry lately it'll take about 5 tropical storms just to catch us up ~:0) VivaChas!

Heloisa Castro 07 Aug 2011

great job

Artist Reply: Thanks Heloisa - it's so hot out, I saw me dog chasing a cat and they were both walking - Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 07 Aug 2011

yes, burning, BURNING!!!!

Artist Reply: Yeah Nelly, thas solar flares for ya - heats it up - but at least it's sunny - Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!
Artist Reply: Even the dog lays in front of a fan when she's outside - she's a character ~:0) VivaChas!