• Elise Wong
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  • Added 21 Aug 2011
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Dogs Behind Bars

People love statistics.. Let me break it down for you. Estimated cats and dogs enter shelter each year-- 6-8mil. Estimated cats and dogs are euthanized each year-- 3-4mil. Estimated dogs around the world get euthanized each year-- 86%. Why do people get so overwhelmed in buying a pedigree (purposely bred for the demands of humans) when there are other dogs out there, seeing the last of daylight because people prefer a chihuahua.. that well, doesn't guard the house, much, does it? I'm not saying that buying pedigree is some sort of sin but.. If you do get a chance. Please adopt these creatures who need help. They are only one decision away from being killed. FOR MORE INFO AND PICTURES, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BLOG; http://eel-elix.blogspot.com/2011/09/silent-victims.html


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Tim Linville 02 Apr 2014

Let's Go!I Love Breaking Up Prison Camps!It's Too Bad That Things Bred For Loving,Also Have a Bad Place,On That End of the Rainbow.When I was a Kid...America Was In It's Alligator Collecting Phase.That was MUCH Worse.You Have a Well Thought Heart,Elise.

Artist Reply: Thanks, Tim :) Alligator collecting phase? What was that about? People must know that dogs need to be neutered but some say it's inhumane or its expensive. But letting puppies die? An over flow of unwanted dogs in shelters? Neutering lessens the likelihood of a female catching many diseases and it also helps the male to be less volatile and happier instead of always thinking of mating. It's beneficial for the community, shelters, and dogs themselves. And it only costs a couple of hundred ringgit. That's like about 60 dollars. It's not that much considering and it's a one time operation. But still...

M Smith 21 Aug 2011

This is so sad & touching. My Chester was a rescue shelter dog & I loved him heart & soul. Cheeto wasn't a shelter cat but he came from a broken home & they couldn't keep him so we took him in also. They really do make the most wonderful family members!

Artist Reply: Wow, M Smith! Your Chester and Cheeto are really lucky to have met a wonderful person such as yourself! I'm glad we're on the same page. and I hope people will see how loving these intelligent creatures are! Happy nuturing your latest family members =D