• Kate Malcolm
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  • Image 45 of 68
  • Added 01 Sep 2004
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Vignette Of Sanity

A painting I've been wokring on for awhile. Its a bit... okay, a LOT different than what I usually do, but I quite like it. Its "laura" influenced. 'Laura' being my sister. Yeah I'll let you imagine the reason behind that. Your one hint; its probably not far off your initial thought.


Anonymous Guest

George Wallis 26 Nov 2005

awesome design and color, I like this very cool

Anonymous Guest 06 Aug 2005


john sayer 15 Jan 2005

made me think of the tree from sleepy hollow my initial thought was hanging branch lol nice work

Andree Lerat 01 Dec 2004

Looks like the wiring inside the brain. Very original. Thanks for your comment, it's worth a number any day. As for your piece, quite creative and mysterious introduction to your mind.

kaupo kaur 22 Nov 2004

Beautiful! Gives me kind of hard & gloomy feelings. Sanity ... yeah, might be from some perspective.

Hilton Harris 25 Oct 2004

Makes me think of a synapse trying to fire. Very cool.

Tunde Cassar 01 Oct 2004

Amazing piece. I like your technique as well as the creativity.

Brianne Macdonald 02 Sep 2004

Ohhhh Kate... this is amazing. I love ll your other stuff but daaaaaaamn, this is just beautiful. I understand completely the abstract artist, I've done a few sculptures myself thanks to my little sister influence. I just can't stop staring at it. ~ Brianne

Sybille Sterk 02 Sep 2004

A great picture, very disturbing

William Kasper 02 Sep 2004

Kate....my sanity feels the same way some times...bravo

Shawn McCarty 01 Sep 2004

I always approve of dabbling into surrealism, specifically when a talent such as yours is involved. Rich, dark, and teeming with all sorts of "Laura" essence, which in itse;f is not a good thing but dang did a nice painting come out of it.