• Celín hAodha
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 25 of 34
  • Added 08 Sep 2004
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inspired by the crucifix.

i tried different shots for this photograph but i think this one worked the best with the pose and to me the nudity gives the impression of purity; when you die you are pure from all your sins. i also decided to use the negative version because to me it represents the colours of death as opposed to the soft colours of the original version. well it makes sense in my head... ;-)

this is a shot of me, taken by me using the timer. hope you enjoy, comments most welcome. :)


Anonymous Guest

MIke Calderon 07 Dec 2005

You're very brave and I commend you. I think you've accomplished what you wanted to with this work. Well done.

Christine brand 03 Sep 2005

U may have innocence in mind n creativity but their are others who will take advantage of your vulnerabity when U open yourself up this way. Some will not see what U are trying to say only the things U have uncoverd. Be careful Dear One of the way U present yourself in your world. Not everyone has honest or good intentions n U may find that revealing yourself too much could bring sorrow.

Robyn Sturtevant 02 Jan 2005

I like the looks of this. To me it almost looks like your hovering above the floor. It's to bad that Lee only sees this as being "nude stuff". I see it as art in it's true form. I'm glad you see outside the box. Keep it up.

George Wallis 12 Sep 2004

what an imagination, very nicely done

Thom Roslan 10 Sep 2004

Well Done.....I would have never thought of this type of creative interpretation.....Well Done!!!

natalia mackovy 10 Sep 2004

oh yah die we will pure :( it make me feel some feelings but exclent keep it up

Kay L. Schlagel 09 Sep 2004

hmmmmmm this is quite interesting.

sher richardson 08 Sep 2004

wow Celin you are most brave : ) very creative work and you should do great in art school : )

Rob Jones 08 Sep 2004

interesting interpretation, I like the effects