• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 26 Dec 2012
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49 Dodge Pickup Grille Magic Hour Glow

The 49 Dodge Pickup is one of the most beautiful trucks to come out of Detroit. They did still make them in Detroit back in the day didn’t they? And this particular 49 Dodge Pickup is the nicest example of one of these rides I’ve seen in a long time. And I even like the color! Bewdy!! ~:0) This Dodge is a complete frame-off restoration that gives us a good idea of its retro or vintage appearance. And yet it’s got those wry hot rod touches that make an old truck worth having. Things like nice updated wheels don’t just make this 49 Dodge Pickup truck look better, No! Makes it ride better too with wider rubber on the road along with those nice flexi-sided tires that make average road feel like the autobahn - Ha! U know – I know I’m digressing here, but I simply have to just say a word of two about the Autobahn. Most of us familiar with that fabled stretch of German hi-way remember the dream. That road has long held the promise of driving a smooth stretch of black-top without speed limit. That’s right! U can get on that bit-o-macadam and discover the top-speed of ur fave ride. Will it do 150 mph? Will it top 200? (Oh sorry for U metrix users to find kilomomicrometers-per-hour u would simply multiply by Tuesday) Okay – back to the land of dreams! Problem with the Autobahn is that it is like any other toll-way, hi-way, motor-way, inter-state. It is crowded with traffic! That’s not to say U can’t find a moment when the left lane is clear and u can open her up. But – b/4 u know it some massive lorry – eighteen- wheeler – road-train – will pull out in front of ur rocketing rod. Why would he do that you ask? – Ha! Well b/c he can ya massive twit! B/c he can – and must! Sure he’s got to pass another great articulated massive truck going 45 mph. Naturally the passing Loadstar will be doing something just under 47 mph to accomplish the pass. And believe me – he sees U barreling toward him. What’s the fun of passing when fiery death isn’t in the equation – Ha! Anyway – back to this great looking 49 Dodge Pickup. Some of U may know I like to shoot as the sun works its magic in that Golden Hour just b/4 sunset. And this photograph is no exception. The light was fab. The 49 Dodge Pickup was great! How am I supposed to resist making this pix? I do it for U lot! Those of u Mopar folks out there get urself a nice print of this bewdy while there’s still money to spend. U deserve it ~:0) VivaChas!

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