• Tree Pruitt
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  • Added 07 Dec 2004
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Blues Singer

Abstract of singer, Billie Holiday, who gave her heart & soul to the world. This piece is intended to speak of the rippling emotions inside an artist who exposes the self to the public. It was created/inspired by a varity of still photos, motion footage, written words, and most importantly - sound. It is a response to the question with in myself of how such a beautiful person could have so much distortion inside, yet still reach out and sooth the soul of another. This is part of a series of exploratons of the distortion of the human form and the music of the blues. 9"x12" acrylic on canvas, C.6/5/01

Worldwide Women Artists Online - Original Art Direct from Artists

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Anonymous Guest

Emily Reed 13 May 2006

Just luv it! Wonderful!

Sara Deutsch 13 Sep 2005

Wonderfully expressive...

Pepita Selles 26 May 2005

Hi Tree thank for your dear comments. This I have sit and look at for a while and reading your artistical vision.And this wonderful woman you decided to give your artic wiew on and create.I must say I think this is a masterpiece.

Artist Reply: Thank you so much! Billie did some amazing things with her voice, but she also did some truly amazing things with her expressions, (esp. her eyes!). I'm working on another piece in what has become a series I'm fond of working. This has also inspired me to explore the worlds of blues and jazz. I also have begun a Bessie Smith piece. Music provides an enending wellspring of inspiration for a painter! Blessings to you!