• Sara LaMothe
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  • Added 07 Aug 2020
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Have you ever been So angry at someone, you secretly wished for some type of karmic retribution to occur? I know...it's not a charitable thought but it does happen sometimes. This piece was originally intended to take place in an art competition, the theme was, 'Muse', and we were to depict our personal muses artistically. While creating this I happened to have a negative exchange with someone and it had affected me so much, it changed the artwork. The exchange caused me to think about everyone who has ever looked down upon, or doubted, or disrespected me in some way and My Muse started to turn into the embodiment of all those people. I started to add some negative elements to counter the positive ones, meaning the barbed wire and flames were never my intent...but they became part of the process. It's to all those people I have to be grateful for because they are the ones who drive me to succeed...just to prove everyone wrong.  'I wear my scars as a cloak but my head is in a different realm, and my inner eye sees and understands all.' Marker/Pencil on Mat-board, sealed in plastic. 11x14.

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Charles Jones 07 Aug 2020

I've been trying to conjure a karmic sinkhole to open up under an entire district but so far no luck, Sara. I find myself more bemused than amused of late. It is difficult to build a hard shell around yourself and still remain a sensitive but I like to think of mine as only used when necessary---something like a force field. Hope you are doing well. I really like the work here, BTW. :)

Artist Reply: Thanks Charles, and I have to admit to what I've come to regard as a personal flaw...I'm incredibly empathic..to the point that it was suggested I don't watch the news..and have not since 2012! And yes, I totally am in league with my own force field..it fits me like a glove :D btw, your karmic sinkhole comment made me laugh..spot on!

Mark Peterson 07 Aug 2020

Good work Sara ~ sometimes we go in a direction that we never intended to and it works out well.

Artist Reply: Thanks Mark, this was the first time I experienced something like this to be honest...to be affected So much, it took me by surprise when the initial outline was finished..kind of like my hand separated from my conscious self :)