• Charles Jones
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  • Added 31 Oct 2020
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I think I've been pulling a long face for so long someone needs to reverse gravity. This is a 6.5 by 4.5 inches gel pen drawing. It's a bit more abstract and or looser than I've been doing lately but still has 'something,' I think. So this is Original Jones Art wishing October a fond farewell and hoping November brings some long overdue good news to northwest Austin, Texas---and the rest of the world too.


Anonymous Guest

Ray Steele 25 Dec 2020

that id awesome

Artist Reply: Thanks, Ray! If you look through some of my earlier work, you'll see quite a bit of black and white work like this and then, a bit later, some pen work with just a bit of color added which is still looser with lots more ink than I usually let out of the pen working on a drawing nowadays. Hope you survived Christmas okay and are ready for the dreaded (or not) New Year. I heard my first couple of firecrackers this evening---at least I think they were firecrackers. :)

Nikolay Semyonov 01 Nov 2020

most appealing lineage

Artist Reply: It harkens back to my older work but, truthfully, it's so easy for me to whip one of these into being, I feel I'm cheating a bit, Nikolay. But as I've been doing lots of 'facial' work lately and this has a relationship to that, I thought I'd upload. Hope you are doing great and clicking away where you are. :)