• Charles Jones
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  • Added 17 Jan 2021
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Everyone is screaming about the truth these days.. What's that old quote? 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.' This is by John Keats who, it might interest you to know, was dead by 25 of TB. I think he is also responsible for 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever.' Those British Romantic poets were really something and Keats was very influential in his day. I wonder what he would make of our day and our take on beauty. I think our reality would make him go nutty in minutes---I mean it works for us, right? This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen drawing with color pencil. Yes, it's more of that screwy Original Jones Art that tries to balance beauty and truth in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Mark Peterson 17 Jan 2021

I am curious... why do you always put the white thing in space on either side of your work?

Artist Reply: Some say curiosity killed the CAD, Mark. Others say I'm the cad. But I say, if you look back at my work over the past year or so, you'll notice that there's a pattern or similarity. Yes, it's true. You'll notice a figure or figures in the fore or middle ground and behind them a mountain range which usually has some purple for 'purple mountains majesty' and a cloud. Just a lonely puffy little cloud that usually tips at an angle a meteorologist would call 'unnatural.' In fact, the mountain range is usually tipped a bit too. Or maybe it's just a wee bit tipsy? At any rate all these angles are at odds with one another. Some might say this creates a tension or imbalance but that would just be crazy quarantine talk. Some time during the merciless seemingly unending quagmire of 2020, the cloud evolved and became more worm-like. Since I 'let' my art speak through me, if a pattern arrives and replicates itself, I let it. Just like the zig-zag eyebrow that 'arrived' and started as two and now can be found over one eye only. In other words, my work evolves over time and I let it. I have found if push the work where it doesn't want to go, it doesn't flow. Hope this helps, Mark. Obviously, I'm in dire need of a real meaningful conversation. :)

Mark Peterson 17 Jan 2021

I like this one Charles because it is well balanced. This one is very good!

Artist Reply: Damn, Mark. I was trying for imbalanced as hard as my cheap pen and salty fingers (and some indistinct portion of the brain) could get me and NOW you say I've failed? Please tell me I was succeeding with my other pieces and have achieved a disharmonious level of imperfection and imbalance otherwise I don't know how I'll go on from here.... Just kidding, Mark. Or am I? Hope you are doing great. I have noticed your recent more abstract take on all matters artistic. :)

Karen Muro Aréchiga 17 Jan 2021

I also like your work :)

Artist Reply: Thank you again, Karen! Hope you are doing great and being ultra creative. :)

Elton Houck 17 Jan 2021

You won me over..I honestly believe your offering for today (A Colorful Distortion) is A THING OF BEAUTY...no matter what John Keats might say on the matter!

Artist Reply: Thanks, Elton! Back in my college days I used to have a large print of 'The Death of Thomas Chatterton' by Henry Wallis hanging in my little efficiency apartment on Rio Grande. I also had two large woven window shades and at least one of them had a large rendering of my 'Flying Mystery.' I remember every nook and cranny of that little one-room because it was the first time I'd had a living space all to my own. Of course, I digress. Chatterton committed suicide at the age of 17. Chatterton and Keats are often lumped together though primarily because of their early deaths and their influence on the Romantic era of British literature. My literary roots are showing; time to dye again. ;)