• Keith Dixon
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  • Image 9 of 109
  • Added 12 Oct 2021
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Oil on Canvas. 30 x 40 cm. Shows the Rosenlaui glacier, The Wellhorn and the bridge over the Rychenbach, painted on-site (finished in studio) in late September 2021. I spent 2 on-site sessions because the light changes vary rapidly. I finished and adjusted the painting in the studio striving not to lose the spontaniety that only plein air painting achieves. I painted looking into the light (contre jour) so that I had to constantly adjust my gaze so that my choice of values and colours were not distorted by pesky afterimages. Just after the blocking in a cow some 50 m away suddenly trotted over towards me. I managed to stop her pushing my set-up over but when she started to nuzzle my rucksack and then me I had to shoo her off by waving my arms and shouting. It worked!


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 05 Nov 2021

Thank you girls for your kind comments. God to know you are all well! Keith

Anonymous Guest 12 Oct 2021

Cindy Sugg..... LOVE IT... I'm sure this one was fun to paint

Marie josé LAURIER 12 Oct 2021

very beautiful !!

Joanie Holliday 12 Oct 2021