• Charles Jones
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  • Added 10 Nov 2021
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Everyone's heard, said, read the expression 'Anything's Possible.' But we all know life has more to do with probability which is what might be called the practical limiter to high flying ambition or distorted goals. Fantasy is called that for a reason. This is not to say we shouldn't shoot for the moon, giving it our all, whatever our dream. It's just that, over time, we must learn to distinguish between what is attainable and what is outside the realm of possibility. Most of us live in a world with a prognosis of perhaps. Perhaps sounds like a nice middle ground to me. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond paper. It's another middling example of what is possible if Original Jones Art puts his heart into it in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Ginger Lovellette 11 Nov 2021

I like the color of the eyes, also the arrow coming out of the chin. What an imagination you have, Charles! And your description, hmmm, doth thou think thou might ponder quite a bit? I do - but I always enjoy reading what you have to say!

Artist Reply: I'm actually working on an acrylic painting of this idea presently. I 'almost' had it finished today but thought I'd better tighten it up a bit, so will finish tomorrow. On a side note, this will be the first 'finished' painting by yours-truly since my hospital stint in February. Lots of drawings, some 3D pieces though. Thanks, Ginger!

Al Budarin 10 Nov 2021

Well said,I couldn't put it in more explainable words,,,now explain all that to Mr.Potatoe Head ,,,,,Charles all in fun ,I very much look forward to your fantastic everyday posting,he is fascinating.,,mind you ,,,,you are the creator

Artist Reply: Now don't you go and give potato person a gender, Al. This is the 21st Century and snowflakes and non-binaries alike will attack you like a mongoose will a cobra. I'm a ponderful person with a well-defined sense of gender, I hasten to add. In fact, I don't think about it at all. :)