• Charles Jones
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  • Added 28 Nov 2021
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If we keep trying to kill off the ozone layer, we'll probably need to develop some way to see safely through all the radiation and pollution. So looking through narrow slits behind a toughened cornea might be a solution. Don't get me started on what our skin would need to be like. This is a 5.5 by 4.5 inches gel pen with some gel stick and color pencil. It was a nice day today so Original Jones Art spent much of it moving 3D projects in and out of the sun. But when the sun went down, he sat down and drew this in northwest Austin, Texas. Go figure.


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Al Budarin 29 Nov 2021

That's very good thinking ,now Charles,now if we can get the Science behind this dreaded disease that's attacked our planet,in trying to rid of this or at least able to control it better

Artist Reply: Well, you may be referring to King virus, Al, but the most dreaded diseases I see currently are selfishness and stupidity. Get rid of those and we'd have smooth sailing, I think. :)

Ginger Lovellette 29 Nov 2021

Just amazing how you keep coming up with different facial and body features.

Artist Reply: Sometimes I'm surprised as well, Ginger. It part of what keeps me at it. Thanks!

Ray Steele 28 Nov 2021

First off Charles we need to learn how to quit killing each other off ,

Artist Reply: Yes, I agree, Ray. Everyone thinks changing our ways is someone else's job. But it begins with the individual or it doesn't begin at all. Thanks! :)