• Charles Jones
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  • Image 697 of 2067
  • Added 11 Dec 2021
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Man is a peculiar animal. He is always searching for that elusive more. He has a nice house; he wants a better one. Auto, ditto. In other words, he's never satisfied with what he has at any given moment. There's always something just around the corner that will fulfill his wildest dreams. Let me clarify, when I say man, I am referring to the entire species commonly called homo sapiens. This drawing came about because I wanted to put a new drawing in a frame that is 7 by 5 inches, so this is a gel pen drawing with color pencil measuring that size. The drawing previously occupying that frame had been there since 2001, so it was about time for a refresh, don't you think? Well, Original Jones Art thinks so as he starts looking about the place in northwest Austin, Texas.


Anonymous Guest

Ray Steele 11 Dec 2021

A+ you knock it out of park with this Charles,

Artist Reply: Thanks, Ray, for such a high grade. I expect a gold star in the mail any day now. :)

Ginger Lovellette 11 Dec 2021

This one is different from your other recent ones, I think. I like it though.

Artist Reply: And yet it too with birthed from a small quick drawing I made awhile back, Ginger. It's a good idea to stir the pot occasionally; mixes things up a bit. :)