• Charles Jones
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  • Image 570 of 2062
  • Added 17 Apr 2022
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If you were to look on the back of this drawing, you'd find a different title, one a bit more 'countrified.' Dad used a lot of colloquialisms and one of them involved a 'sh?? eating grin.' But that doesn't really sound very artsy, does it? So I bounced a few ideas around and came up with this one for AW. There's always a 'self-ordained jokester' in every crowd, young and old. Actually, I'm not 100 percent sure I wasn't that individual growing up. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond acid-free paper. Original Jones Art is having another quiet day of 'personal reflection' here in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Mark Kokopelli Watkins 22 Apr 2022

He does have that smirk of derision on his face and big eyes to weave stories to entertain the crowd! ;)

Artist Reply: Maybe more bemused than derisive, Mark. If he's like me, he's more the pun making chuckle generator than the below the belt impractical joker. :)

Ray Steele 17 Apr 2022

I the word your looking for is shit like in"a shit eating grin" lol;)So Charles are one to like to play jokes or planks on others.Awesome portrait.

Artist Reply: You know, Ray, I think I need to introduce you to pal of mine by the name Subtlety. He still gets his point across without resorting to the 'hammer method.' No, to the silly pranks, on average. Yes, to making folks laugh occasionally. :)