• John Watt
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  • Added 26 May 2005
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Future Looms

Future Looms  oil, 10 by 8 inches on archival canvas panel, was finished May 26, 2005. It is the seventeenth painting in my series titled Unforgettable. Was this young Navajo squinting because her future looked so bright? Well never know for sure, but it could have been! Painted from a photograph my father took in Monument Valley in 1959, she was carding wool in the bright desert sun in preparation for weaving a rug on the loom that her friend was setting up to her left. In 1959, it was not uncommon to come upon scenes like this one throughout the reservation, as weaving was a primary income source for many families. To weave a rug, the sheep had to be shorn, the wool cleaned, carded, and spun into yarn. Then it was often dyed in tubs using a variety of natural dyes obtained from native plants. The looms were set up out of doors to take advantage of the natural light. The future has brought many changes to the Navajo, and it would be a rare site to see this on the reservation today. Electric lights and air conditioners have made it practical to move the looms indoors. Commercially prepared yarns are replacing many of the hand-spun varieties. Looms have become much more sophisticated, and the iconic velveteen and satin dress is usually reserved for special occasions. The rugs that were once somewhat primitive and utilitarian have become highly sought-after art forms, and tourists turn out by the thousands at annual ceremonials to catch a glimpse of the traditional outfits. © 2005, John Watt  artist retains all rights to any reproduction of this original art

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Anonymous Guest

Casey Catton 27 May 2005

So telling are your paintings. Rich with color and warmth...they tell a story of generations...beautiful work!

Reba McDonald 27 May 2005

Beautiful work John.

Kristina Ackerman 26 May 2005

Beautiful portrait. I love what you've done with the textures in her blouse.

Spurgeon Marshal 26 May 2005

Beautiful work! Nice work on the clothes.

Bluemoonshadow 26 May 2005

Another beauty, John... It is so nice to see the beauties your father found through your paintings... Thanks for sharing and I will be looking forward to seeing more from this series...:-) Blue