• Lauren Maxwell
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  • Image 10 of 97
  • Added 18 Jun 2005
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FINALLLY!!!! IT IS DONE!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! This thing took me forever. My Mom wanted me to do a portrait of her dog, Buddy. I was originally going to do a painting but my acrylic black poored on the carpeting and since then I've been afraid to pull them out in fear of making another mess. -_-;;;;; So this is Buddy. Took me a week to draw. Done with a tablet, in Photoshop, 31 layers, roughly....I didn't really time myself on this piece but I would estimate 24 hours was invested over the past week. I'm gonna go watch a victory movie with Joey now.


Anonymous Guest

Carolin Schweizer 21 Aug 2005

This is super cute, you can be proud of yourself! Very nice color combination. Very creative name for the dog, he he.

Ryan Taylor 18 Jul 2005

wow. paid off. thanks for the comment, although i deleted that post because i forgot too earlier. I posted again though. The correct formats this time.

Jhatonna Turner 16 Jul 2005

A day?!!! Geese woman...I still wanna learn about layers dang it! Anyway great work and I'm sure you have a lot of patience and if something doesn't work out you figure it out and get it fixed to your liking evrytime. ^__^

Tabitha Borges 18 Jun 2005

The eye are what catch you..