• Tree Pruitt
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  • Added 06 Jul 2005
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Dark Goddess/When Dokey Died

MEDIUM/GROUND: Oil and oil pastel on canvas board. Limited use of brushes -- painted directly from paint tubes. SIZE:16"x20", unframed DESCRIPTION: There is a darker side to the Goddess. She calls our souls to rebirth through death. Before growth & construction can occur, they must be proceeded by destruction & death, in some manner. Within in Her shines the light of all that is to come in our new form. In areas of this painting paper was laid then later removed before the paint set. This is to represent the pieces of ourselves and our lives that feel as if missing after someone has passed. The chosen colors are intended to represent the stark effects of the lights of emergency vehicles in the night.

5 of 6 Comments Show All 6 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 21 Apr 2006

She is a very ugly Goddess maybe she killed the dokey by looking at it only kidding....nice work

Keren Gorzhaltsan 22 Jul 2005

Very interesting piece. Yet before opening the large version of this picture I wanted to say that it reminds me of Marc Shagall, now I see that I am not the only one to notice it. Aniways, I love this! Wonderful painting. Keep doing good work! 10+++!

Sara Deutsch 17 Jul 2005

Wonderful, expressive work! I too was thinking of Chagall..

georgia brown 06 Jul 2005

Great work!

joan warburton 06 Jul 2005

Beautiful piece but I disagree with your philosophy a bit. You can't mourn until you've lived. There's no growth until you have something to strive for. Having never known happiness, death and destruction become the norm with no reason to think otherwise. It's the old story.... which came first, the chicken or the egg, LOL!

Artist Reply: :) Ahh, but if , at the base of it all, one subscribes to the Big Bang type theory some sort of act of destruction set in motion the creation of all that is. Even the Christian God first created angels, then that thought pattern was changed (destroyed) as the focus shifted to the creation of mankind. In the end the subject does seem to boil down to the chicken & the egg -- basic opinion. But I see with my eyes a seed break through the ground, or an earthquake crack become a watering hole. A thing must die to what it is now in order for it to become something new. The tree grows from the seed, not away from it. I believe the soul makes this same journey.