• Cameron Day
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  • Added 12 Jul 2005
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Duty Bound

This is a picture that I just finished recently. It's on a 14"X11" piece of paper and my scanner isn't that big, so parts were cut off as you can see. I drew this from a "Soldier" magazine cover. I am unbelieveably proud of this piece--not because of how I drew it--but because of what I drew. Any military soldier is a hero of mine. They risk their lives every day for you, for me, for their fellow soldiers...this little boy...and even the enemy. Medics do not see allies or axis, all they see is a wounded or dying human being. I salute all those who are over seas right now. I salute my fellow Skyhawk, Jason Moore, who has died in Iraq. And I salute my other fellow Skyhawks, Douglas Frinell, Jason Patton, Bryson Jacobs, Justin Miller, "Monty", "Doc", Kyle McClure, Leslie Borenstein, Justin Tomishiro and Francisco Lacy who will be leaving for Iraq 07-28-05. Support the troops, whether Left or Right Wing. Support the President, whether Left or Right Wing. The more we argue, the more time is wasted not focusing on the tasks at hand, and the longer our soldier fight. We need to pull together, work together, realize that we're all Americans fighting for freedom. Not just our freedom, either. Whether you think we should be in Iraq or not is beside the point. We're there and that's not going to change. What we need to decide now is what do we do now that we're there. Do we pull out now, leaving the country in a state of turmoil? Or do we continue to help them rebuild their society. We need to stay there as long as it takes to make them stand strong. We need all the allies we can get. We will always have enemies. It is friends who are hard to come by. Take care, God Bless, and remember those who have fallen and those still standing. PS, I'm writing this post script on August 1, 2008, after I just found out that the soldier in this photo committed suicide when he got back from the war. He was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and hated the limelight that this picture cast on him, said his mother. He overdosed on a drug substance of some sort, the newspaper wasn't specific. The person who wrote the article was the man who took the photo, and he feels an overwhelming sense of guilt, that this was somehow his fault. Pray that he realizes that suicide is never anyones fault, except the person pulling the trigger or popping the pill. As for me...I can't even look at this picture now--not out of disgust or that I no long respect this man, but because I looked into his eyes for hours on end trying to capture his emotions. I was surprised when I shed a few tears for this man, that I had never even met, and 2 years after I drew it...I pray for his family's grief, and I ask that you do the same...

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 20 Jan 2007

Awesome drawing, man. You're talent is through the roof. Thanks for the shout out. It means a lot to me. ~Bryson

Anonymous Guest 06 May 2006

Great emotions shown in the facial characteristics and body language. Cool, Cameron! --Gina

Kevin Lambeth 12 Jan 2006

Not just duty bound,but captured the compassion as well.Not all soldiers are monsters

Renata Cavanaugh 13 Jul 2005

Beautiful and touching pencil work!

Laura Smith 13 Jul 2005

Truely an amazing piece of work. Outstanding technique worthy of a hero such as this. The expression on their faces (especially the little boy's) says it all.