• Shawna Lynn Ballard
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  • Image 4 of 18
  • Added 30 Sep 2005
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Rainbow Energy

I decided that I was tired of struggling with lines, and so I just played with color and texture instead. The unicorn is merely there to give it a form beyond the purely abstract. In fact, I feel almost as if the unicorn is merely a model showing off my newest fashion in color and texture. What I love most about this type of art is that it is almost mindless. I have been very scatterbrained lately, and so anything that requires thought almost feels like more trouble that it's worth. The sheer lack of precision and organization in this style of art allowed me to ignore all conscious thought entirely and just go where the energy flow of the colors took me. The rainbow energy of the piece itself drove my hand, thus the title. It was very refreshing. For the first time in a long time, I was able to produce art that I am happy with sans the struggle. I actually felt refreshed afterward, and was able to focus on my night at work far more clearly than I had been able to prior to the color play. Time required: 3 hrs. Sakura Cray-Pas oil pastel on white construction paper. 12" x 8"

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