• Yuri Lev
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 14 of 53
  • Added 20 Mar 2006
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Over-ripe Onion

I stumbled upon this while clearing out my refrigerator. Talk about found art :-) .


Anonymous Guest

Magda Elsehrawi 17 Jan 2007

Yuri I adore your experimental photographs...! I love this one, just as much as i did the 'apple' one in your folio. The use of space in this one is also wonderful.... if i were you i would keep veggies in the fridge a little longer than they should, just to see what kind of interesting shapes and colors they might turn into! ... well done :)

Artist Reply: Thank you Magda, for your visits and your analytical comments. I appreciate hearing more than just the usual platitudes which people tend to post, for fear of hurting feelings. I understand this tendency but the artist yearns for more. I also like what you have written in your profile. To me, art and creativity is a spiritual experience also, so in that sense we are brother and sister with regard to our view of the universe. It's a pleasure to know you. Yuri

Emily Reed 06 May 2006

Phew! Smelly but very artistic!

Analua 14 Apr 2006


Ravenus Death 20 Mar 2006

very good contrast between the background and the foreground. I also think this would make a very good black and white photograph as well.

Artist Reply: Thank you for the constructive comment Uriah. I'll give it a shot and see what it looks like.