• Robin Wester
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  • Added 03 May 2006
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In Memory of George...

My beautiful George the morning he was put to sleep. It was strange how he constantly looked at the camera for all my pictures. He rarely did that. He hated the flash. It was the most horrible thing I've ever had to do. I have been strugling with it since. I kept telling him over and over again that I love him, to wait for Grandpa- he'll be with you soon and that I will never ever forget him. I thanked him for being a part of my life. He was so scared his jaw was shaking, I hugged him and told him I was scared too. Then, after much anguish, the vet came in and gave him the overdose of anesthesia. George was sitting and his body started sliding down and he turned and looked up at me like a question "Momma?"... he just realized something was happening and the fear in his eyes has stayed with me. His small body lay limp in my arms... a stillness over him that I could never imagine- but I knew his pain was gone... that he was gone. It was difficult to leave his body just laying there... I turned him on his side, looked into his eyes one more and said I love you George, I'm sorry. I have been so torn over this. When I get off my bed I still look to make sure I don't step on him. When I eat I find myself picking chunks of my food for him to eat, as I shared almost every meal with him. My mom's dog and my Aunt's dog keep coming into my room looking for him. They will not eat from a plate that's in George's 'spot.' I miss him cuddling next to me in the morning while I put on my face. I miss his ecstatic welcome home everytime I walk through the front door, I miss his bark at the door bell, the tremor in his leg when he knew it was bath time and the throwing of his ball at me when he wanted my attention. These are his last pictures. These are his favorite toys... here is the joy of my heart, now turned into a dream.

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Anonymous Guest

maggie Barra 23 Nov 2006

Its hard to see to write through my tears after reading your words about your George..the almost same identical memories I have of jan 2005 when I went through the same heartbreak with my old best cat friend satchie pooka..a beautiful tribute..they are all stardust now...

Jeanne McLaughlin 20 Sep 2006

lovely memorial to george, i know exactly how you feel as I lost my dog barney and my pussy cat pooky in the same year. I was with both of them as they went to sleep and it still makes me cry.It really is a death in the family. You miss all their silly ways and unconditional love. Although we have a new addition in the shape of Cassie , she has brought happiness back to the house ina different way, I still cant bring myself to have another cat, I miss pooky too much and this is five years later. Time does heal but you never forget them and you always have room in your heart to love another.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much. It's been tough for me and my family. George was such a huge piece of my life, going everywhere with me... My new puppy does bring me joy- but I also feel guilt. Silly I know, but I'm human. He mistakenly gets called George from time to time. Thank you for sharing and commenting on one of my most important posts.

William Boyer 31 May 2006

great job

Christine brand 16 May 2006

You made me cry so much...I am truly sorry...I love my animals and pets too...I hope you know that I can not find words...I feel some of your pain...It is good to see someone love like this...in a world where there is too much hatred and killing and strife your tender heart and love is a light that cleanses the soul...I know of the sadness and the feelings of uncertainty and how you will ache and ache and ache...Your Boy is an Angel now...I am a person that believes in heaven for all creatures...although some think me a fool in that respect...Thank you for sharing your heart, Robin. These phtos are precious...more precious than I can say. I can only pray and ask God and the Holy Comforter to hold you now...Sincerely Christine

Loredana 03 May 2006

Wonderful tribute Robin :