• Annabel Lee
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  • Image 21 of 38
  • Added 18 Jul 2003
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Skye is falling

Well, first off, this probably wasn't the best way to show Gale's new clothing (of sorts)... :p but you know when you get an idea in your head and you just can't get rid of it until you spit it out? *Coff* Anyway, on with the program... ^.^;;; as previously mentioned, here is one of my Keepyr characters, Gale, making an appearance at last after about half a year's absence... @______o;;;; *watches the RSPCA run in yelling things about animal neglect* I haven't done a pic like this for even longer, so when you put together two kinds of neglect, this is what you get! XD XD So er.... what's happening here? It's a bit iffy to explain, but basically in the weird little story up in my head, the world where the Keepyrs run around in has an artificial 'Skye' which is a type of bridge... don't ask why I made Gale falling through it since I'm not too sure myself... X___X;;; I think I was just after a play on words. =P And don't worry, Gale won't be turning into a purple pancake, her Cardinal of Bryath (equivalent of the element Air) will save her fuzzy bum. XD Trades shall be coming up after this....


Anonymous Guest

Christine brand 28 Feb 2005

Wow! what a wind!

Kelly Jennifer 04 Feb 2004

So much detail, it's great!

Suraj Lochan 13 Nov 2003

oh now.. not gale. i like her pose in the original keepyr's pic. i like ur sequential images. but the bottom fall sequence is, well, its not that great of a pose, cus i get the feeling shes rotating counter clockwise but, then shes sumhow righting herself or sumn.. but as always this is great work

Kate Malcolm 22 Jul 2003

Esse has a good point. Half the time cant see whats going on in your pics either. ^-^ Mind you the same goes for a lot of world famous pictures so maybe causing things to become so complex you cant see one aspect from another is a talent you must have to become "famous". Either way your work is always beautiful.

Esse Lindsay 19 Jul 2003

your attention to detail and lighting has always mesmerized me! Its kinda funny too because i cant always make out whats going on in yer pics XD. Objects or people are always intertwined with one another...so beautiful.