• Jerry
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  • Added 01 Dec 2006
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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was the most influential artist of the 1900s! That is quite a statement when one realizes that billions of people resided on this planet during that century. He was born in Spain and rose to the top of our world via hard work plus massive output. He was one the greatest producers of artworks in history or very prolific. He started off in Realism and later led the way in Cubism.***** Picasso accumulated a vast amount of sales via his originals, prints and International popularity or fame. His impact in the art world is hard to comprehend because of a great acceptance by millions worldwide. His Classical Realism paintings are truly amazing, as are his many other styles. He did many different art mediums, styles and techniques throughout his long life. His blue period brought him much fame or recognition from around the world.***** I did this impressionistic portrait of him out of respect for his long and courageous life as an artist. Living in Spain during those times certainly was difficult because of the very restrictive or repressive government. He was the most powerful artist of his time and lives in our hearts or minds even today. Introducing a new style or art movement is no easy task then or even now! The world during those times were not into abstracts or what we today call modern art. That certainly worked against him or made his path that much more difficult.***** Hopefully, those doing new art mediums, styles or works today can comprehend how hard bringing change to the art world really is? It is difficult to get people to except newness yet alone become a world leader at doing so! I am therefore presenting this as a tribute to that spectacular artist. May we learn from his bravery and boldness as a person or world leader? Thank you, Jerry Stith.

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sotirios gardiakos 31 Mar 2012

Good work.

Anonymous Guest 13 Feb 2009

Wonderful format and style!

joao silva 19 Dec 2007


Chris Roukema 25 May 2007

Awesome Jerry! I Admire You for this work. Most Exellent!

R.R. Cabarga 11 Apr 2007

This is intense. A great portrait.