• Allanna .
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  • Added 26 Jan 2007
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Where Is The Love

Inspired by "Where Is The Love" by Black eyed Peas.


Anonymous Guest

M. Usman Ul Haq 30 May 2007

Great work, Allana!

Artist Reply: thank you!

andrew davis 21 Mar 2007


Artist Reply: Thank you

Laura Baker 21 Mar 2007

Very intricate design! Great job!

Artist Reply: Thank you

Renata Cavanaugh 15 Mar 2007

Beautifully done Allanna

Artist Reply: Thank you very much!

julie Marks 11 Mar 2007

The image is so delicate and beautifully executed in black and white. I love that you paired it with the American hip-hop group, The Black Eyed Peas. I live in Los Angeles where they originated with their original sound and have followed their carrer since their Elephunk which earned them the fame and grammys they so richely deserved. So many songs are censored like "Let's Get Retarded" which many found offensive for the mainstream so it was restyled into Let's get Started and I loved that the song got exposure as an NBA Finals worldwide commercial. This is a hot song since it featured Carl Santata, one of my all time favorite bands. What a diverse group if you play computer games since their song Shut Up as well as other songs in Slimlish is the lialect language used by the Sims characters in the games I play. I could go on about this socially conscious group especially after establishing the Pea Pod Foundation to help suffering children around the world. Since Elephunk is the ablum, I know I am glad you titled your piece "where is the love" which is great question for us to ponder given the lack of this emotion in the world today that instead of love is often dominated by greed and evil motives. Again your imagery is metaphoric and knowing about the group and their contribution to human suffering giving their love through the Peapod Foundation reinforces the heart of your elegant image.

Artist Reply: Thank you, i never knew they started in LA.lol thank you for your comment, it is VERY much apreciated! i used to own the CD monkey business but...i gave it to a friend who really wanted it alot lol.

Cindy Luke 17 Feb 2007

Very well done

Artist Reply: Thank you very much!

jamie winter 13 Feb 2007

Your work has great movement in form. very good Allanna, jamie

Artist Reply: thank you very much jaimie!

geoff cooper 13 Feb 2007

like this too.

Artist Reply: Thank you!

Randy McCullough 13 Feb 2007

Looks like another artist emerging from your family. Great tune too!

Artist Reply: Thank you! Dont worry, I still gatta another ace in my sleeve as youll soon see what im talking about. I dont JUST do tribal art...hehehehe

Ruth Kauffman 12 Feb 2007

Great work, Allanna!! You have a beautiful name!

Artist Reply: Well thank you very much, I would much rather have your name though!

Anonymous Guest 10 Feb 2007

Excellent! :o)

Artist Reply: Thank you very much!

Tracy L Nicholson 09 Feb 2007

Allanna, this is marvelous!! Simply beautiful in both concept and design. Don't ever stop creating!! :)

Artist Reply: Thank you, I actually just started to learn Tribal Art. LOL I have only been doing it about a month or two...and this was done in the first month...LOL

Christine brand 09 Feb 2007

Cool design, Allanna!! I love your bio phto too. Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy this site. It looks like you have been successfully introduced. Bravo!!! This is some very interesting concept you have here. I love that song too. Fantastic. Have a GREAT weekend. Sincerely CB

Artist Reply: Thank you, I quite like my bio photo too,my mum likes it more though...Once again, thank you!

kat Schilke 09 Feb 2007

Allanna, This is a wonderful design keep it up

Artist Reply: THank you, and dont worry i will :D

Terry Bassett 06 Feb 2007

Nice one!..:-)

Artist Reply: Thank you, Terry I actually have a sister named Terri heheheheh :D

Kathryn Arruda 03 Feb 2007

Welcome to artwanted, Allanna, love your design, very creative & interesting!

Artist Reply: Thank you!

thea walstra 03 Feb 2007

Very lovely work

Artist Reply: Thank you Thea.

Jessica Beckholt 02 Feb 2007

I love it!

Artist Reply: Thank you!

Thom Roslan 01 Feb 2007

Wicked......Great abstract "P & I" depiction of "Where is the Love".......Oh ! BTW......Where is the LOVE anyway? Have a creative New Year !

Artist Reply: Lol thank you, i think the love is in some peoples hearts, the other people...well they're just hiding it!^_^

William Boyer 30 Jan 2007

Great job, keep your art comming.

Artist Reply: dont worry, i will :D

Kathi Perry 30 Jan 2007

Beautiful design Allanna. Welcome to AW, your mom and gramma are both wonderful people, it will be nice to have you aboard as well.. :)

Artist Reply: Thank you :D

Bluemoonshadow 29 Jan 2007

LOL Allanna, no tattoos at this time...LOL Love ya, Mom

Artist Reply: awwww....well,think about it, i could walk around with a tatoo and say " i designed this :D" but owell i'll wait until im 13. . . i guess :P

Aris Stathakis 29 Jan 2007

this is so beautiful and i love that song, fantastic design. Welcome to AW Allanna!

Artist Reply: Thank you!

Todd Drew 28 Jan 2007

Excellent work! I seems as though you are examining the nature of the Human Heart. What a noble exploration. namaste' Alanna.

Artist Reply: . . . Thank you but uhhhhh what does namaste' Allanna mean? :D

bianca 27 Jan 2007

WELCOME TO ARTWANTED.....Allanna...hope to see more of your work.....This piece here is FANTASTIC....wow

Artist Reply: Thank you lol ^_^

Penny Myers 27 Jan 2007

Nicley created. Welcome to AW and keep your designs coming.

Artist Reply: thank you, and don't worry, i will!

joan warburton 27 Jan 2007

Beautiful, creative design!

Artist Reply: Thanks!

A penn 27 Jan 2007

This is so cool! I like doing drawings like this myself! Welcome to Artwanted Allanna!

Artist Reply: Thanks!

jennifer blenkinsopp 27 Jan 2007

Welcome Alanna, I can see where you get your talent from, great pen and ink work.

Artist Reply: thank you! im proud to be baba's and mom's granddaughter and daughter!

eileen martin 27 Jan 2007

Allanna, welcome to AW, fantastic pen and ink, you could go places with your talent:) p.s. i love the Black Eyed Peas:)

Artist Reply: thank you! I'm quite fond of black eyed peas too! :D

Jerry 27 Jan 2007

Lovely picture and line work!

Artist Reply: Thanks alot!

sharon hendrickson 26 Jan 2007

Very cool design !! This would make a wonderful tattoo for someone and I like your inspiration :) Welcome to the gallery and I hope to see more of your excellent drawings !!~***WELL DONE***~!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! ( i wouldnt mind getting that tattoo'd on my arm lol)

Tom and Susan Repasky 26 Jan 2007

Welcome to you Allanna!! I can see that you have inherited the fine artistic qualities of your Mother and GrandMother!! Excellent job on this beautiful heart!! You are really quite talented!! Wonderful work!! ~S

Artist Reply: Thanks alot, im looking forward to getting to know AW

Reba McDonald 26 Jan 2007

Hi Allanna. I am very proud of you and your work. I've known for some time you had it in you. Keep it up so we can see more.

Artist Reply: Thank you baba i love you alot!

Jeff Richardson 26 Jan 2007

Hi Allanna, I don't comment much on art here on AW but I wanted to welcome you to Art Wanted. Your tribal art in shown here is full of the love that you are asking about. Where is the love? The love is inside of you... Your creativity is awsome and you have the gift to put these emotions onto paper. To work in pen shows confidence in yourself. Keep up the good work !!! I agree with Ashok, you are a future Star young lady. :))) Jeff

Artist Reply: Thank you Jeff :D

Vivian Allen 26 Jan 2007

Hi Allanna and welcome to AW. My daughter's name is Alana. Your design is very lovely and most expressive with the smooth flow of the graceful lines in the design inside the heart and the halo is a great addition. Where is the love? A lot of it is right in your art.

Artist Reply: Thank you please tell alana that allanna says hi lol

ashok nayak 26 Jan 2007

hei little! welcome to this glowing and growing art community.Just vewed your beautiful pen and ink work.You are of only 12 year old and your thoughts are very much in deep roots.You picked the strong subject Love and patronize with tribal patterns.The question mark pattern is indicatig about your searchings,it's a very good sign of growing artist.Keep it up and keep searching.Yes,hoe is your grandMaa,say my regards to her.You are our future Star.

Artist Reply: Thank you that means alot to me. Grandma (baba) is doing alot better after her operation and mom says hi.

Martha Miller 26 Jan 2007

really very nice allanna....... i see you are following in Grams and moms footsteps

Artist Reply: yea i guess i am in a way. Thank you for the comment.

Joke Schotting 26 Jan 2007

Wow Rehba's granddaughter,Allanna this is great and beautiful work!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, all i really do, is well, make it flow O_o

Suzan Tisdale 26 Jan 2007

Keep up the great work Allanna! How soon before we can see more?

Artist Reply: Thanks, I do believe that I am ganna post one around sunday to monday night, I'd tell you what its ganna be but it a surprise :D

K L Marsala 26 Jan 2007

youve a great eye and sense of balance allanna. this does depict black eyed peas song very well. it brings the measure and mood of the words into artwork. good job

Artist Reply: Thanks alot for the nice comment, i was just listening to my mp3 player, black eyes peas started...and i just. . . had to draw, i had a picture in my head that needed drawing, so i drew it.

Anneke Hut 26 Jan 2007

Hi Alana, it's nice to see you follow your grandma's and your mother's footsteps. This image does show your talent and makes me curious to see more. Welcome to ArtWanted, I hope you'll enjoy it here. :)

Artist Reply: Thank you :D I'm sure ill enjoy it here! I think that im following their guide along a different path that is close to their path, but i think we all have our own paths, mine is inbetween theirs ^_^

Olga van Dijk 26 Jan 2007

Wow Rehba's granddaughter... this looks great... may be you'll be a great artist as you grandmother!!!--

Artist Reply: Maybe, we never know O_o And thanks im quite proud to be Baba's(Reba's) grandaughter :D

Emily Reed 26 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks alot Emily. :D

Lawrence Hickman 26 Jan 2007

impressive and incredible in composition intresting

Artist Reply: Thank you, Lawrence.

Debbie Gray 26 Jan 2007

Allana this is wonderful! I love the detail in your work, and you are so creative! Welcome to AW! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future! :0)

Artist Reply: Thanks Debbie, i dont know, i guess i just do it. i just decided to try tribal markings one day and searched it up and then tryed it after looking at a few very different tribal markings. Im looking forward to being on AW and meeting all the awesome artists.

Angelina 26 Jan 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks Angelina for the nice comment, if you look on bluemoonshadow's (my mom) portfolio then youll see she did a picture with that photo.