• John Swift
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  • Added 15 Mar 2007
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Bluebird in my window

Strange! This bluebird pounded on my window, apparently trying to get into my house, three days in a row and was not shy when I approached with my camera. Even the flash didn't bother it. This is totally uncharacteristic for bluebirds. If you have a similar experience or can offer an explanation please share it with me.

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John Cappello 31 Jul 2013

Outstanding Work ! I agree, always BEAUTIFUL

Elizabeth Lindberg 05 Feb 2012

he seems to be saying " you got some food in there, gonna share?" lol good shot

Artist Reply: Thanks, Elizabeth. He probably wanted to have breakfast with me.

gerry logan 20 Dec 2007

WOW!!!! What a comment Jessica gave super. I love your shot but have never been able to capture the ones that fly around my place. I would feel blessed to have had the change to capture one such as you have and maybe listen to some that Jessica said

Jessica Courtley-Rose 24 Oct 2007

The bluebird is a member of the thrush family. The males are entirely blue, while the females are blue only in the wings. The color blue is associated with spiritual awakening. A color that calms the mind and soothes the heart. Since the color blue is symbolic it will represent different things to different people. A daily practice of prayer and meditation are beneficial to those with this medicine. Bluebirds arrive from the south in the early spring. They live in open country and woodland settings nesting in holes in trees or fence posts. In native cultures the south is the direction of innocence and childlike activity. When a bluebird shows up it could be asking you to lighten up and let go of any dramas that are presently occupying your life. If it appears in your immediate surroundings this message is more pronounced. Bluebirds hold the energy of gentleness. They are not aggressive and will avoid confrontation whenever possible. They are patient and observant birds and choose to spend their time enjoying life, however, if a bluebird is provoked it will stand its ground and defend itself. The bluebird teaches us how to move through life with a gentle strength and a patient persistence. Living ones truth without inflicting it on another person can be a challenging affair. Mankind often feels a need to awaken others with their knowledge. This need can trigger personality disputes causing unnecessary frustration and conflict. The bluebirds song is one of joy and playfulness. When if flies into your life it serves as a reminder to allow others to grow in their own way and time. Live your personal truth but remember to honor anothers truth. We are all equal in the eyes of the creator. The path a person walks is a personal choice that was created from the soul blueprint. We don't always understand anothers choice but it is imperative that we respect it. Equally so, we must respect ourselves. I am sorry this is so long but I thought you might like it! I have a whole list: an animal totem because I feel animals come around for a reason! Hope this helps!

Nira Dabush 28 Jul 2007

Such BEAUTIFUL Composition...truly pictorial photo...WONDEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!