• R.R. Cabarga
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  • Image 29 of 33
  • Added 12 Apr 2007
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Dogma & Catma

A 32 planed truncated icosahedron with a different miniature oil painting on each surface. Then, when you peer thru the portal, you'll see an infinite library with tiny little books whose titles, if you can read them, are oxymorons, palindromes and word plays. Carefully placed mirrors, reverse perspective, fiber optics and other odd materials make this a cabinet de curiosité that may kill the catma but thinking outside Pandora's box, you may wonder who let the dogma out. Constructed of masonite and semi- transparent lexan with a Nikon non- glare filter set into the gold-leafed molded epoxy portal. At the bottom is a standard tripod-camera mounting bracket.


Anonymous Guest

Donald Schrier 01 Jul 2008

This is a wonderful work and the detail is fantastic. A joy to view it.

James Duncan 01 Jul 2008

Unique, intricate work, very well done indeed, brilliant concept!

Joanne Harvey 14 Apr 2007

My goodness!...This is so fascinating! And beautiful art work too! I sure would love to watch your work in progress! If it didn't cost so much...I'd take A dozen! LOL! Just kidding! I realize how much hard work..talent..and uniqueness that must have gone in to this masterpiece!

Artist Reply: Au contrare Joanne, I whip a dozen o' these babies out in an afternoon... Kidding too! Actually I spend about 200 hours all told, painting, assembling, guess and checking the optical illusions so they look just right from the viewing hole which isn't in place yet at that point. So you're right, but if you're really interested (Shh! don't tell anyone: contact me and we can work out a deal for you. ... Oops!)

Timothy McAninch 14 Apr 2007

I think your Kharma ran over my dogma. Absolutely Wonder full

Anonymous Guest 13 Apr 2007

How do they do that? 32 sides of incredible! Brilliant idea I have never seen anything like it, what an original masterpiece. How did you ever come up with that, it sounds like you know what your talking about, thank you for showing the world what art is!

cathy sharpe 13 Apr 2007

WoW, awesome, brilliant concept, fantastic imagery,stunning work!!!!

Artist Reply: Oh, start! you're too kind... but don't let that stop you!. It's appreciation like yours that makes this labor of love all worth while. After saying thank you, I'm compelled to go see what you do since you obviously have exquisite taste. ;")