• thea walstra
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 8 of 300
  • Added 14 May 2007
  • 2 Favorites
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Created with the fractal explorer. Image copyright: Thea Walstra

5 of 60 Comments Show All 60 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Bailey Hopper 28 Feb 2008

WOW!! I love the red reflected on the top of the blue hornlike area. Absolutely too cool!!!

Chas Sinklier 20 Nov 2007

What a rarefied atmostpher is this image and its many comments Thea - colors rock! ~:0)

Pepita Selles 21 Jul 2007

Yes really a art treasure,like the motif.

Visionary Imagist 12 Jul 2007

hypnotically beautiful! great color and balance

Kwabena Poku 26 Jun 2007

Amazing work