• gregg dutcher
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  • Added 23 May 2007
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No Right Turn On Red?

(c)2007 In a city near where I live there are numerous intersections where red arrow, green arrow --right hand turns -- have been put in. I never thought I'd see the day when big government,...who wants to tell you when to eat and when to go to the bathroom,...now wants to tell us when not to,...and when it's o.k. to make a simple right hand turn!!! But that day is here,...in and around the liberal capitol of the world. And that is what they like to do best,...is tell you how to think, eat, ____, drive, believe, etc. ,...while raising our taxes to tell us how to spend our money!!! I almost think they think they're God!!! That doesn't sound like free enterprise or a free society does it? I think they're red right hand turn lights show what they are,..."red"!!! My opinion is,...they need to add a lot of white and blue to they're colors!!!! hehehe :O)

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Anonymous Guest

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 26 May 2007

yes...always great!! your work is superb!!

Mayme Crouse 25 May 2007

great work........

Steve Farr 24 May 2007

Bravo, Gregg! This is an amazing piece of art! Such a great expression of your thoughts always come shining through in your art! Take care!! ^_^

Ginger Lovellette 24 May 2007

Your work always amazes me. Such detail. Would take me forever! Great pen and ink and neat idea.

Jerry 23 May 2007

Great layout, details, lines, colors and impression Gregg!