• Visionary Imagist
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  • Image 84 of 122
  • Added 12 Aug 2007
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Gerrie Olly 29 Jul 2008

I love this photograph, yes def an air of renaissance, you should play that up more, buy clothing of such Joseph. I also love the background painting. Have you painted any fair maidens my Lord? xoxo

joe valcourt 15 Oct 2007

a wonderful likeness to a Renaissance being

Artist Reply: Joe: I have been called that before and find it to be the highest of compliments. Thanks my friend. It is greatly appreciated.

Charlotte Ottilo 04 Sep 2007

How wonderful for you!

Artist Reply: Charlotte: thank you for your kind comments. I do so appreciate your words of encouragement. Again thank you!!

Margaret Platt 03 Sep 2007

Your soul is amazing, Joey..it's all right there in your eyes. Blessings to you for your continued success.

Artist Reply: Margaret: Your stopping into my little world is like a breath of fresh air. thank you for doing so. I look forward to more such encounters. Again thanks!!!

Maria Murphy 28 Aug 2007

(I hope you don't mind!! but you look like what i visioned Jesus to look like, what a kind and plesant face).what a great artist and inspirition.

Artist Reply: Maria: Strange that you say that because a monk friend of mine, a Trappist, says the same thing to me when i see him. I did a painting of the Annunciation for his monastery and he has it in the room where the new monks arrive. Thanks!!

Renata Cavanaugh 19 Aug 2007

The master and his arwork! Beautiful

Artist Reply: Renata: You have made me blush. Thanks!!

jay dawn 14 Aug 2007

up front open and honest, a twinkle of mischief! a touch of come on i dare you.and a tiny bit of vunerability. The magician the artist the joker, the knight, the king. xxx

Artist Reply: Jay: Good to have such great insights from a very talented artist such as yourself. Stop back anytime. And again thanks!!

Tahnja Wolter 13 Aug 2007

Oh St Francis! hehehe, you are so amazing, love this shot of you, shows so much of the beauty of the soul shining from within

Artist Reply: Tahnja: You recognized one of my favorite saints. I painted that painting behind me for a Basilica. Thanks for sharing your keen insights with me.

Joanna Jungjohann 12 Aug 2007

mercy grace peace & love, I get all that from this awesome artist!

Artist Reply: Joanna: "The quality of mercy is twice blessed. It blesses those who receive and those who give". Thank you for your kindness!

Olga van Dijk 12 Aug 2007

How many artists get an article written about themselves???? WONDERFUL WORK!! Your work is very special, and so are you!-- Love and Light~MOI

Artist Reply: Olga: I dropped out some years back, these are some articles from about 5 to 10 years ago. I am too much an iconoclast to pursue fame and fortune. But I do so appreciate sharing my thoughts and words with accomplished artists that I have found here at this site, such as yourself. I do so look with anticipation to your words and your artwork. Thank you very much!

merle cruser 12 Aug 2007

It nice to put a face on this imagist who gives me wonderful comments. You have it happening, don't you! Goodness and graciousness. My hats of to you kid!

Artist Reply: Merle: I finally decided after some thought to come back out into the public. Every artist here has it "happening". All they need to do is realize that and they are on there way. I look forward to you sharing with me. Again thanks!

Laurie Rawdon 12 Aug 2007

Such beautiful kind eyes...makes me feel happy to finally see you and to see your work recognized. :)

Artist Reply: Laurie: Most of these articles that I posted are 5 to 10 years old. I dropped out about 5 years ago. I never enjoyed the competitive nature of some art shows. I believe that everyone who shares their art is sharing a piece of their soul and that each individual's art is special and a masterpiece. My art is no better than anyone else. We are all artist. Thank you for sharing those kind words with me. I do so appreciate them.

annette steens 12 Aug 2007

You are coming more and more out of your magic box!!! Lovely!

Artist Reply: Annette: Soon I will be returning to my "magic" place, my favorite monastery. I will do some drawing and painting amidst the serenity and peace that I do so enjoy. Thanks!

Chris Roukema 12 Aug 2007

Most Excellent, Joey! Spiritual Awareness, for sure!

Artist Reply: Chris: the painting in the background was from a church that I painted at. thanks!