• Visionary Imagist
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  • Image 64 of 122
  • Added 22 Aug 2007
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The Spectre of War

War is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, who still rides throughout history devastating the people and the lands that cross into his malignant path. This hideous evil and his companions and their cohorts know full well their ruinous capabilities. War employs an ancient corrupt demi-urge that is hidden deep within the recesses of humankind's ignominious lineage. This ancient reptilian impulse left unabated coupled within the technology of the atom may lead to a nuclear winter which would destroy all of civilization and culture. The people and cultures that have sustained humankind will be a sated meal for the appetites of this horsemen called War. This last century was the first century where the civilian deaths outnumbered the military. As horrible as that was it will be but a mere snack for the ultimate atomic conflagration. We must all work towards peace. Artists, especially, throughout history have taken paint and brushes in hand and have portrayed these horrors eloquently, from Goya, Picasso, Dali and host of other perceptive artists who have responded to the clarion call to alert civilization to the intentions of this malevolent horseman. Their canvases cry out prophetically to those who have yet awaken to this heinous creatures intent. I, too, as an artist feel compelled to tell through my art this premonition of what could happen. It is not an enterprise that I necessarily enjoy but I believe as a true artist I have a responsibility to use my oils, brushes and canvas to paint this warning. I hope and pray that that terrible day will never come to fruition. visionary imagist "Joey"

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Betta Artusi 15 Apr 2012

I too hope and pray that day will never come. This work is meaningful Joey.

L.A. Spilsbury 24 Nov 2007

great work again-im adding you to my favorites list

Artist Reply: L.A.: thanks for noticing my work. i am always appreciative when a fine artist, such as yourself, takes the time to stop by and share with me. Again thank you. I have added you to my Art Watch list.

Renata Cavanaugh 26 Aug 2007

Amazing, powerful work!

Artist Reply: Renata: My goal to compile my words and art continue to be the impetus for me. there is so much to say and so much to paint and so little time. But i try and i am glad that you like my work as i do yours!!

Tahnja Wolter 26 Aug 2007

and it is a valid and true warning my dear friend. There is way too much suffering and grief in the world that we could avoid. It grieves my heart most painfully as well. What you have captured in your artistic skill is most amazing and to the point. You are outstanding my friend

Artist Reply: Tahnja: I am glad that enjoy my oils. I try my best to do bring to bear what moves me spiritually. I also await your new works, too. Hope to see some soon. Thanks!!

merle cruser 23 Aug 2007

Heavy stuff joey, GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Merle: Thanks for the comment and your stopping by has made my day. thanks!