• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 10 Sep 2007
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September 11th. Angel

I have decided not to write a word or to utter a phrase but to let my sorrowful Angel say everything that need be said.


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T.D. Ruley 09 Oct 2007


Artist Reply: T.D. Ruley: Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 06 Oct 2007

Your art does speak for itself! Truly wonderful!

Artist Reply: Jessica: I really appreciate your comments because I respect and value your opinions and artwork. Thank you.

Joanna Jungjohann 12 Sep 2007

awe inspriring beauty joey

Artist Reply: Joanna: Sorry, for the delay in responding to your wonderful comment but somehow I missed your remarks. Let me assure you that each of your comments are welcomed by this humble artist. Thank you for taking the time to share with me your words and your art as well. As always your friend Joey.

Olga van Dijk 12 Sep 2007

You don't need any words to show the sorrow of this angel, my friend! It's an other beauty coming from your hands and mind!-- Love and Light~MOI

Artist Reply: Olga: Thank you for sharing with me. I do so look forward to seeing your name at my site. Again thanks for sharing with me!

merle cruser 11 Sep 2007

Excellent, very moving painting. You always manage to bring a sorrowful heart to me. No words are necessary for she does tell it all.

Artist Reply: Merle: Thanks for noticing my artwork and sharing your heart with me as well. Your friendship and comments are deeply appreciated by me.

Cindy Lemoi 11 Sep 2007

Joey, this is a moving and wonderful painting. Fantastic work !

Artist Reply: Cindy: Thank you. I have been busy lately but I just wanted you to know how appreciative I am whenever I see your name on my site. Thank you again!!

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 11 Sep 2007

Good one VI

Artist Reply: Ann: Thank you! Your views and input are always appreciated and looked forward to by me. Again thanks!!

Vivianne Couture 11 Sep 2007

Another very interesting painting.

Artist Reply: Vivianne: Seeing your name under my work gladdens my heart. I always look forward to your words and your sharing with me. Thank you!!

Ginger Lovellette 11 Sep 2007

Very powerful. Wonderful work!

Renata Cavanaugh 11 Sep 2007

Amazing tribute...no words need to be said

Artist Reply: Renata: I hope all is well with you and I patiently await your new works as well. Thank you for taking time and sharing with me. I look forward to your words and letters.
Artist Reply: Renata: I hope all is well with you and I patiently await your new works as well. Thank you for taking time and sharing with me. I look forward to your words and letters.
Artist Reply: Renata: I hope all is well with you and I patiently await your new works as well. Thank you for taking time and sharing with me. I look forward to your words and letters.

Tahnja Wolter 11 Sep 2007

wow, incredbile tribute. So accurate and so touching

Artist Reply: Tahnja: Thank you. Our angels are always with us especially at the most trying of times. I am glad that you liked this piece. Again thanks!!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 11 Sep 2007

A great memorial, Joey!!! Simply fascinating, my friend!

Artist Reply: Alberto: Your friendship and your art are most precious to me. I always look forward to seeing your works and words!! Again thanks!!

Cathy Savels 11 Sep 2007

Nicely painted.

Artist Reply: Cathry: Thank you! I appreciate your insights and look forward to your sharing. Again thanks!!

Maria Murphy 10 Sep 2007

I visited there last year .So sad.I am just going look at this painting for a while.Touching painting.God bless you.

Artist Reply: Maria: Thank you for taking time to comment and share with me. I enjoy seeing your work as well. Say hello to your Granny for me. Again thank you!!

Laurie Rawdon 10 Sep 2007

Very powerful Joey...thank you for this

Artist Reply: Laurie: Thanks for commenting. The last couple of days at my gallery have been very busy but not too busy to take time to tell you that how much your sharing means to me. Thanks for doing so it is really appreciated
Artist Reply: Laurie: Thanks for commenting. The last couple of days at my gallery have been very busy but not too busy to take time to tell you that how much your sharing means to me. Thanks for doing so it is really appreciated

brenda coster 10 Sep 2007

Impressive piece of art!

Artist Reply: Brenda: Thank you for commenting. I await your new works as well. I hope all is going good and I look forward to seeing your art.

Chris Roukema 10 Sep 2007

Excellent Painting, Joey!

Artist Reply: Chris: Thanks my friend. It is always appreciated when I see your words of encouragement. Again thank you!!

Emily Reed 10 Sep 2007


annette steens 10 Sep 2007

tells a lot! beautiful, painted!

Artist Reply: Annette: Thank you for stopping and commenting. I hope all is well with you! Continued success in all that you do!

Izabella Pavlushko 10 Sep 2007

very thrilling scene... a beautifully done piece... I 'm impressed ! ~Izabella

Artist Reply: Izabella: Your stopping into my little gallery and commenting does indeed gladden my heart. Thank you taking the time to do that and stop back anytime. I do so appreciate your insights!!