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  • Added 17 Oct 2007
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The Bullet

What does a bullet cost? Almost one hundred years ago, in 1914, one man with a pistol set the world ablaze with one bullet. On the streets of Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princeps plunged this planet into a war that would change the map of the world. The reverberations of this gunshot can still be felt to this very day. An entire world was set ablaze by one bullet. Violence is violence no matter how small the action may seem to be. Some factory, somewhere, had to manufacture that bullet. Some unknown worker had to shape it's casing and fill it with a deadly powder that would eventually destroy countless millions of lives. I wonder what would have happened if that innocent worker could have known beforehand that his hands would be stained by the blood of all those innocent people. Would he still have fashioned that bullet? What do you think? Can I seek peace and work for the machinery of destruction? One of the precepts of Buddhism is "right work". Much can be said about this teaching when viewed in the context of this one bullet that brought forth a World War. I cannot find peace and be a part of any force that would profane the very peace that I seek. My action, no matter how small, has consequences. My steps will always leave footprints. And the footprints of my actions may have a significance that could literally change the world. I must always do my part in working for peace no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to be when I do it. visonary imagist "Joey"


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Reba McDonald 22 Oct 2007

Deep Joey! If the bullet had not been invented man would have found something elso...wonder if it isn't the bomb?

Artist Reply: Reba: Your words are very precious and insightful. Thank you for commenting on my oil. I do so appreciate you stopping by.

Nira Dabush 22 Oct 2007

Wars,or any kind of violence action is not understood by me ,Joey.I never could understand it through History lessons ,or here in my own country Israel.Wars ,for what reason...a piece of land..?...or some kind of any kind of principles...War to win what..?...BUT THEN...In war no winners...but death of life. I could never understand a brain that could invent a bullet...in order to cost so much pain...to take so many lives away...Very powerful artwork,brilliant in its simplicity ,yet movement through layers of depth of universe.

Artist Reply: Nira: Your words mimic my own. I am glad that there are people in this world that share my own hopes and dreams. We are not apart but connected by our mutual aspirations. Thank you for sharing with me your words and your wonderful art.

Gabrielle Stahlie 21 Oct 2007

Joey, this frozen moment in time... a bullet has always a leathal purpose. They are meant to destroy and kill. It is such a tiny peace of metal, if you looked at it, with such an big impact if used by a man with a gun in its hand who is determined to shoot. As you say...the echo's of one shot can disturb the whole world. A beautiful symbolic painting....

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: I am so glad that you enjoyed my art and my words. It is true and we as a people must work for justice and peace. Thanks again!

Renata Cavanaugh 18 Oct 2007

Excellent work

Artist Reply: Renata: Thanks for the comment. I hope to see more of your artwork as well. I hope all is going good for you. Thanks for sharing.

Doris B. Lambling 18 Oct 2007

just 'on the point' like we say in Germany - touching!

Artist Reply: Doris: I am glad that you understand my humble attempt. Your words are encouraging and supportive. Thanks for the comments and your visiting my site.

Olga van Dijk 18 Oct 2007

My pic of the day.... That tells it all!!

Artist Reply: Olga: Thank you for that vote of confidence. I really appreciate your opinions and value your art. What a treat it is to share art with each other and all the other artists here at this site.

joe valcourt 18 Oct 2007

but you have made a stunning work of art--that's the saving grace and gift to the world.

Artist Reply: Joe: I wish to thank you for your continued support and input. I value your art and of course your opinions. Thanks again.

John Fish 18 Oct 2007

Wow, this is great. What an exciting image. Yet it is frightening, maybe because it is so beautiful to look at. This says to much. It's not just the bullet, it's the purpose. Let us continue creating beauty for peace. Maybe someday it will out way weapons of destruction. We can do our own little part. Thanks Joey

Artist Reply: John: One day at a time and one painting at a time can eventually change the most inveterate of situations. Great to see your name upon my screen. Thanks again!

Jerry 18 Oct 2007

Lovely impression!

merle cruser 18 Oct 2007

What wonderful imagery Joey! Your use of color and brush show the movement of this foreign object on a journey is outstanding!! yes every turn we take changes destiny and evil is persistent in the minds of mankind so we must be mindful of what choices we make and look further into decisive actions that may have a negative effect. But we are mere animals that make mistakes and will make mistakes.

Artist Reply: Merle: I especially enjoy hearing what you have to say about my artwork. Your profound statements about humanity are penetrating and perceptive. Thanks for sharing with me, as always your friend Joey.

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 17 Oct 2007

STUNNING Artistic composition and Fantastic brush work in this oil painting!!!Great Fine Art,Joey!!!

NVJasmin Rodriguez Garcia 17 Oct 2007

thank you so much for all those comments I feel happy!!!!!!you made me feel that way!!!!Thanks again,,,I like this painting it is awesome !!!!!lway to go on the clouds!!! the color is superb!!!!!!Do you know that blue is my favorite color???what about yours?????:) hugs ,NV.

Artist Reply: NVJasmin: Actually blue is my favorite color too. I love the essence of it's coolness and the depth of it's tones. Thanks for commenting on my little oil painting.

Cindy Lemoi 17 Oct 2007

Love the way you captured the speed of the bullet Joey. A very moving painting and text.

Artist Reply: Cindy: I had originally called this piece "Ballistics". I was fascinated by the movement of a bullet through it's trajectory. Thanks for commenting.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 17 Oct 2007

Splendid work and text, Joey! It's a moment to meditate about motivations in our life!!! Thanks for that!

Artist Reply: Alberto: All actions have a reaction. It is true in physics as in life itself. Thanks for noticing my little efforts at illuminating that theme. Thanks again.

Lior Goldenberg 17 Oct 2007

Love your vision... we are all doing only insignificant steps, with rare exceptions

Artist Reply: Lior: Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little world and sharing your kind comments with me. I do so appreciate you doing so and value your opinions. Again thank you and stop back anytime.

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 17 Oct 2007

Oh yes...

Artist Reply: Ann: I do so appreciate you stopping by my little gallery and commenting. I value your opinions and look forward to seeing your new works.

jamie winter 17 Oct 2007

love the imagry and the knowledge , unbelievable

Artist Reply: Jamie: As always thank you for taking the time to comment on my oils. I do so appreciate you taking the time to do so. Thank you again.

Maria Murphy 17 Oct 2007

"When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it ." ELEANOR ROOSEVENT. You are an inspitation to us all.What amazing art work,you protray the speed and power of this bullet so well,and another death ,that could be avoided.

Artist Reply: Maria: What a great quote. The words it contained are illuminating and profound. Thanks for the continuing support and encouraging words. They are deeply appreciated by me.

annette steens 17 Oct 2007

A very moving piece from you again Joey! Something from the Tao :Intelligent people know others. Enlightened people know themselves. You can conquer others with power, But it takes true strength to conquer yourself. It is really a solution for peace. Man know yourself!

Artist Reply: Annette: Yes the Tao followed can lead to a state of freedom and bliss. Thanks again for sharing with me your profound words and insights. It is comforting to know that one is not alone in the world and that there are others who share similiar hopes and dreams.

Timothy McAninch 17 Oct 2007

I wonder what impact the Archduke Ferdinand would have made had he lived. Other people were slain that day, whose names we do not know. There is a difference in the value of the life of the wealthy and of the poor. In that case, the bullet was a spark setting off a powderkeg.

Artist Reply: Timothy: Very insightful and profound comment. Thanks for taking the time to share with me your remarks. Stop back anytime. I do so appreciate your words.

Jamie Nice 17 Oct 2007

Another very moving piece Joey. I am actually of Croation decent and the constant civil war that has plagued the former country of Yugoslavia is mind-boggling. Its just such a shame, the devastating state in which our world is in. I do, however have faith the goodness of most people. Bravo on another masterpeice!

Artist Reply: Jamie: I am like you too. I believe that the goodness of most people far outweigh the bad. I just try to do my little part by being an artist and sharing my little corner of the world. I am glad that you enjoyed my little attempt. Please stop back anytime. I do so appreciate you coming by and sharing with me. Again thank you!

Anneke Hut 17 Oct 2007

This morning I heard on the radio, over here they are trying to accomplish a law that Dutch army will not use cluster bombs anymore, because they are so horrible and children were playing with the ones that hadn't exploded yet. The lady said she hoped that they would become forbidden in the rest of the world too. I was listening in astonishment, how they can talk about just one bomb, why not about all bombs? I wish they would build conference rooms instead of barracks for soldiers and weapons!

Artist Reply: Anneka: Your profound words are still with me as I write this letter. I value deeply your insights and respect your convictions. Thanks for sharing with me your art and yourself. I do look forward to your sharing with me. Again thank you!

mahesh konsam 17 Oct 2007

Joey : It's really true that some victim name is written with a bullet.But still they continue to make it. Is this why we have a brain ? But I don't think this as His gift. It's the Devil side which is willing to do that.Mankind should be the protector not the destroyer. And everything comes to Unity !! Again another super entry from U my fren !! Beautiful artwork !!

Artist Reply: mahesh: Your words are like music to my ears. I agree with you and foster the same hopes that humankind will awaken from their sleep and become one. Thanks for your sharing with me and I really look forward to seeing your new works as well.