• Terry Harris
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  • Added 02 Nov 2007
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Oh, the irristable urge to wade into the cool secluded waters... My impish daughter visited this summer and we drove up through nearby Yosemite National Park. She was fussing that the creeks and some of the waterfalls were dried up as it was the driest part of the year. She did wade in the River in the park, but fussed that there was too many people. So on the way home pass the Merced River, I had her pull over to an area I remembered. A little path down the bank, secluded from the view of the road, a beautiful still, deep, clear water pool. Next thing I knew she was shucking clothes in into the river she went. She spared me a skinny dipping at least. She swam a few minutes before coming out of the cold mountain waters, still with her impish smile. We've many memories of days at the river in her childhood; this one was just as good as well. This is a digitally painted portrait, not a photo manipulation or software clicked converted work. I use a Wacom Tablet & Stylus pen to draw, paint every part of the canvas. I used my favorite art software, Corel's Painter X.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 15 Apr 2008

Mom, You are a bad girl, thanks for covering up my butt though! Love you! Nancy

Artist Reply: LOL! Well Nancy, one shouldn't go skinny dipping in front of their mother! Lucky for you I don't paint nudes-yet. Would like to do some mermaids, if you care to model. Oh, you have to cover up butt cracks, nipples, and genitals on this site, so I wouldn't have posted your butt anyway. Hethen.

Jerry 05 Nov 2007

Great contrast, lighting and colors! Lovely...

Artist Reply: Thanks Jerry! I learn so much from studying lights and reflection, working on some more soon.

walt larsen 02 Nov 2007

wow, looks like a photograph, and that is a tribute to your abilities.

Artist Reply: Thanks Walt! I love looking at water and all the reflections it gives off. I used to fear trying to paint it, but am learning to work with it.

John Swift 02 Nov 2007

Marvelous job! Incredible detail!

Artist Reply: Thanks John! The water took me the longest, but was fun to study. This is such a beautiful private area, I'l have to return through the seasons to study it more. Will post up photos of it to share. Ths is a beautiful river that many just have to stop and picnic or camp by on the way into Yosemite Park.

Lucia Stewart 02 Nov 2007

Fantastic and awesome shots Terry!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Lucia! I studied several photos to frame out the pose I wanted of her. I was lucky I had my camera out taking shots of the river when she decided to go dip in, almost missed her, she went in so fast.

Michael Forbus 02 Nov 2007

Excellent painting and brilliant detail, Terry. Great canvas. Michael

Artist Reply: Thanks Miguel! I printed this one out large on my new profession printer on canvas roll. It really shows the water well when large enough. I am enchanted with this particular river that changes so much with color, rock formations along it's course. I'm lucky t takes me about 20 minutes to reach the first part of it and you will see much more of it soon. You can gold pan in it as well and actually find something, extra bonus! LOL!

Emily Reed 02 Nov 2007

Very engaging and charming!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Emily! I'm working on a variety of subjects now, trying to expand my skills. Water is one of them, and sunlight. This is one of my favorites as it will be a wonderful memory. So mmany can relate to the urge to take a dip. Some people scrapbook, I do a bit, but the I like to add in paintings for a special touch.

virginia mcgowan 02 Nov 2007

Beautiful Terry I have no idea though what a Wacom stylus pen is? but it looks fun, and the end result is fabulous.

Artist Reply: Thanks Virginia! Try going to Wacom.com or Corel.com as it bundles software with it. It's an eletronic drawing tablet that I use that hooks to the computer. The wireless pen stylus is held like a pen, brush, marker, etc. and you use it over the tablet. You select the function of the pen in the software, say oils, blending, pastels, and size of the brush , colors, tecxtures, that you want and do your thing. I get some wonderful results with mediums that I could not mix together with real mediums. Some use it for photoshopping. Heck, since it has shortcut keys, I use my Wacom for even playing some computer games as there is no mouse clicking, I tap the pen on the area for the results. It saves my carpal tunnel from flairing up as I can't mouse click much. Some of the forums the Wacom is discussed as well. Amazing tool, there are other brads, but this seems to be the best of them. You might love this. Best of all, no allergies go with it! LOL!