• Terry Harris
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  • Added 07 Nov 2007
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Sunset Horse Gathering

I finished another of the paintings of my neighbors beautiful horses. I love the time period of the day, right before the sun starts to set for all the dramatic lights and shadows it casts. I played around with many brushes and mediums and finally really found a great combination for doing the grasses. It took forever to the grass to get painted, on blade at a time, but it has the exact look and color brush blending I've been working to find. This is a digitally painted work, not a photo manipulation, or auto convert art software effect. I painted it using my electronic graphics tablet, a Wacom, that comes with a wireless pen stylus. I used my favorite art program, Corel Painter X (see www.Corel.com for more info, also has Wacom bundles there.) I could not paint this on the computer with a regular mouse. The stylus pen is held like a real pen, or brush, marker, chalk, etc. You choice the colors, sizes of brushes, how translucent it is, how to blend it, the grain, the pull of the brush, the mix of the colors, and the mediums. It is as close as to using real materials as you can get. The software is constantly getting upgrades and each time, it is more amazing. The combinations I can create with mediums and brushes are often something I could not achieve with real mediums that you could not mix together. This gives me more freedom and often, in my works , more realistic or stunning effects of a work. I am self taught, I learned by experimenting and practice. There are books, and DVD tutorials available, so it can be learned. Even if not artistic, you can photoshop if that's what you are into. All I know is I am loving every minute I spend working with the Wacom. I've much to learn and much to try, here's hoping I can continue to entertain your eyes for many years to come. Enjoy!

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Kathryn Lewis 02 Jul 2008

This is very clever. Great picture.

Artist Reply: Thank you Kathyn! My former neibors have these beauties that gladly oblige me when I would drive by and come over and pose. They tend to be a mangy looking lot, with scars from kicking each other and always getting burrs on them. Still, I see the beauty and they are healthy. I paint them as I believe them to be.

Blue Doll 09 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks Blue Doll! I'm working on more horses to post soon.

Tom Berry 09 Nov 2007

I dream of Wacom and I admire your skills very much.

Artist Reply: Thanks TOm! They are very affordable, and if you get one, get it with software bundles. The software that comes with it is often worth more than the Wacom tablet itself. I use the 6 inch by 8 inch, as many find this size is more than enough to use.

Michael Forbus 08 Nov 2007

This is just magnificent Terry. You are one of the best on the Wacom and I have been to many of their seminars. If you can get the book by Bert Monroy, he is magnificent. He usually gives the seminars for Adobe on a Cintiq....very Masterful in super realism as you are. Excellent work and I am so glad to see these images of yours. They are brilliant. Michael

Artist Reply: Thanks Miguel! I will have to note that artist and look him up. I did get the JeremeySutton training DVD, but muc of it was what I already knew. I admit his calm voice near had me nod off, so need to watch it a few more times to get it to sink in. I haven't tried any seminars yet, but do look sometimes on line for tutorials. It would help if I actually read the manuals sometime. Meanwhile, I'll keep experimenting. Sometimes I figure out something that hasn't been done yet or an easier way to get the same results. Sometimes, I find the hardest way. Still, I enjoy messing about and learning something each day. LOL!

John Swift 08 Nov 2007

Beautiful painting, Terry!

Artist Reply: Thank you John! This one was a good exercise for me. I am trying to learn to paint horses and fields better. I've been trying to build up my reference photos so I can study them better. More soon.