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  • Added 17 Nov 2007
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The War To End All Wars

I could not sleep the other night. Relentless voices I did not recognize spoke to me of past terrors and future prophecies. "You, the living, must tell our story. You, the artist, must paint our grief. You, the writer, must pen this warning. Do not fail us we beseech you. Do your duty as we have done ours". I could not rest, so persistent were these tortured laments. Like some ancient oracle crying out from some long ago forgotten grave. "Why me?" I thought. "Leave me be, let me rest. Leave me alone. I want no part of this. This is not what I wish to do". "Neither did we" came the reply. "But duty called and we answered and gave our lives. Now it's your turn to execute this task to tell the living of our stories and warn them. Warn them of future graves not yet dug. Do not let us die in vain. We implore you. Do your duty". These dispatches from bloodied trenches would not cease until I did my part. These unyielding plaintive cries would not let me rest until my mission was completed. Like some unwilling reluctant volunteer I began to fulfill this ghostly request to use my hands and my mind, the hands and the mind of the living to accomplish for the dead what they were unable to do while alive. I recalled the words of the Bhagavad Gita and how Arjuna obeyed and fulfilled his mission, a mission which he wished not to do. It was Karma. And this Karma was mine. I could not escape it. No matter how hard I tried this clarion call would not stop until I completed my mission. So this painting is me, "reporting for duty, Sir". An artist soldier whose weapons are paints and brushes, words and paper. "Mission accomplished. I proclaimed. May I be relieved". I leave it to you, the viewer, whether or not I have done my duty and if I can take my leave and return home. My part in this Karmic adventure is so small a price to pay compared to those whose sacrifice was so great. I hope that I have done my duty. visionary imagist "Joey"

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John Fish 23 Nov 2007

Beautiful painting and so hard to look at. Reminds me of after a forest fire, yet more tragic because it is man's destruction not nature's. This is like the opposite extreme of the other painting of the Native American figure contemplating the sky. One is seeking truth and salvation and the other is trying to control, actions of anger and aggression and yet both are part of our life on earth as human beings. Any time someone is quietly, peacefully living in reflection, love and beauty there will also be someone who comes along that wants to destroy it for personal gain, power or just because they enjoy fighting.

Jean M. Laffitau 22 Nov 2007

Dark, dramatic and sad...like war is and was!! Excellent and touching artwork!

Artist Reply: Jean: thanks for your insightful comment on my oil painting. I do value your talented opinions. Again thank you.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 21 Nov 2007

What feeling in your art. Will we ever learn that violence is not always the answer...is it ever? Thanks for making me think! Brillant!

Artist Reply: Jessica; Sometime art is meant to do just that. thanks for allowing me my indulgences. Thank you again my friend

Gabrielle Stahlie 21 Nov 2007

Sometime you see the text of a death announcement. "You will be really dead when you are forgotten". This wonderful painting let us remember the dead. The dead people, victims of earlier merciless wars. We must remember the sacrefices they brought and what they did for us so we can live.

mahesh konsam 20 Nov 2007

Joey : This is a GREAT painting, starting from the colors till the text. It really determines something about duty as you said.Would love to see more of your global issues artwork !!

Artist Reply: Mahesh: Thank you sharing your insights on my artwork. I believe we think alike. We are all brothers and sisters. A tragedy for one is a tragedy for all. Likewise a blessing for one is a blessing for all.