• Penny Myers
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  • Image 49 of 94
  • Added 03 Dec 2007
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In Rememberance of

Please help me to remember my older brother, "JOHNNY" He went to join his heavenly father at the young age of 17. Today is his birthday and he would have turned 48. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER. YOU ARE TRULY MISSED.


Anonymous Guest

Jo-Ann Hayden 14 Nov 2009


Jennifer Ashley 08 Nov 2008

Never ever forgotten. Well done. This is wonderful.

Anonymous Guest 30 Jun 2008

penny, this is a great job. Andre'a

Anonymous Guest 30 May 2008

i never got to meet him but he will be with all of us forevery love you -shannon

Carliss Mora 09 Dec 2007

Penny, so wonderful! So lovely! This image, and the text is a wonderful way to help get the rest of us in touch with your dear Johnny. His eyes, you've done them with love. You honored him greatly, and I know what it's like to have such strong feelings for a sibling. There will always be a connection to your loved one regardless of the loss of physical presence. I know he holds you to his heavenly heart, Penny. Marvelously well done!!

Katerina Koukiotis 09 Dec 2007

your borther had such a beautiful smile! and your tribute and portrait of him it's so beautiful!! *hugs*

Anonymous Guest 05 Dec 2007

I also had to comment on this portrait of Johnny. Johnny you were and still are my older brother. We were only fifteen months apart. I missed you sooo much. It's so hard being the older child now, when in my mind, you are the older child. When I was going through teenage stuff, and ran away, you were the one who snuck to see me. I will NEVER forget that. You always stood by me. I named my youngest son after you to honor the find young man that you were. I know our parents suffered your passing greatly, but I never told them what a piece of my heart went with you. I love you and know that we will meet again. Your sister Penny ____________________________________________________________ FYI artwanted pal, I signed in anonymous, so I could remember "Johnny" not to comment on my own work.

Anonymous Guest 05 Dec 2007

You may not have met me, but apparently I am somewhat similar to you in many ways. I also have inherited your name as my own middle name. I have heard of you all of my life and yet I will never get the opportunity to meet you. I am told that at such a young age you had the potential to be so much and that was opportunity was taken from you on one night by a drunken driver. I may not ever get to meet you but somehow I feel as though I already know you, through the stories told from the loved ones who have met you and those times when I feel as though you and I are actually quite similar. You will never be forgotten and your life will live on in through the stories told from the ones who had the pleasure to have met you. Happy Birthday Uncle Johnny Gone But Never Forgotten Your Nephew, Micheal "John" Myers

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 04 Dec 2007

Beautiful portrait of Your Brother Johnny...You are a Beautiful Sister who holds his precious memory close to Your Heart...God Bless You and comfort you Dear Friend...Our thoughts and prayers are with you,Dee&David

v blair 04 Dec 2007

Excellent portrait Penny....I'm so sorry for your loss

helen tyralik 04 Dec 2007

wonderful pencil portrait

Joke Schotting 04 Dec 2007

Sorry my friend to hear this may he rest in peace beautiul work!!!!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 04 Dec 2007

Geez, he was born the same year as me, Penny. So sorry for your loss. Beautiful , BEAUTIFUL young man, AND artwork!!

KC CHANG 04 Dec 2007


Renata Cavanaugh 03 Dec 2007

Fantastic portrait Penny. I am sorry that you had to loose your brother at such a young age.

Anonymous Guest 03 Dec 2007

I missyou and love you with all my heart. I will always miss you my lost son. Love Mom i

Anonymous Guest 03 Dec 2007

Johnny very much loved and very much missed. Such a giving,and helpful person to me his Aunt Jo-Ann who was pregnant and very much in need of help. There was nothing he would not do for me. He once walked 10 blocks to get me a pizza . I will always hold a special place in my heart and my mind for John. I miss you.

debbie collier 03 Dec 2007

Amazing work!!!

Emily Reed 03 Dec 2007


Martha Miller 03 Dec 2007

Sorry to hear this Penny.......What a handsome lad ,may he rest in peace

peggy wheeler 03 Dec 2007

Penny You did a nice job. I know miss your brother dearly and so does he. He knows how much you love him.He heres the love in you voice when you speak of him. Today you remember the day of his birth, and you Draw to remember his life. I am thinking of you. I know your bitter sweet memories.( Me the Hillbillywitch)

Francis Rivera 03 Dec 2007

I am sorry for your loss...This is a great portrait Penny...May he rest in Peace...^_^

Steven Torrisi 03 Dec 2007

I can see him in you and you in him both in spirit and presence. With condolences and respect.

Anonymous Guest 03 Dec 2007

rip uncle J. Love D

jamie winter 03 Dec 2007

just excllent Penny wowowowow

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 03 Dec 2007

great portrait!!

Terry Bullard 03 Dec 2007

Nice work Penny. Sorry for your loss and missed memories. He had a nice smile!

Nira Dabush 03 Dec 2007

A remarkable piece of art,Penny..He will always live in your heart and mind,young and handsome as seen in your drawing...AMAZING PORTRAIT.

Joanna Jungjohann 03 Dec 2007

may he always be in your hearts memory, as the beautiful brother you remember, penny