• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 30 Dec 2007
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To Dad

It has been too many years since I last saw my dad, almost a quarter of a century has passed. As I grow older and become more aware of this world and all of it's potential dangers I reflect upon my father's exploits. An honest, simple man who just wanted to love his wife, have a home and raise his family. Yet, in spite of his personal wants and desires, he answered the call to travel far, far from his home to help liberate people he had never met. This country boy, from a town so small that it doesn't even exist anymore, was destined to fly over major cities of the world and to meet people from places he had never known existed. And so he left his new bride and joined the faceless millions in the greatest struggle of the last century. I can only imagine how he must have felt. You see he never spoke of these perilous adventures, he was as quiet as the Sphinx in the desert, the very same desert that he once flew over. When we buried him at the military cemetery the undertaker, quite casually, said to me and my mom "did you know that he had 7 bronze star medals"? We both said "no, we didn't know. My mom said she knew that he was burned one time and refused to seek a Purple Heart and that he had Malaria". You see he never spoke of those terrible events that he had lived through for those four dangerous years. He would only talk about those friends he had made and especially those he had lost. To him they were, the heroes, not himself. And so it was for me growing up along side this man, the man I knew as Dad. He worked hard, blue collar, never complained, never missed work and loved his family. The family in which I am proud to say I was a part of. However, there was a box, in our home, that held within it the hidden treasures from his hazardous exploits. I remember it well. This box was not meant to be seen by my eyes, it was secreted and not meant to be viewed, especially by me. There in this forbidden box was strange foreign money, some empty cartridges, all manner of enemy memorabilia, and most importantly many, many, many photographs. These relics, these photos, told the tale of his long ago secret adventures that he would not speak of. I would sneak into that room, that reliquary, and look at these treasures when my parents where not home. I was a young voyeur into the world that my hero, my Dad, had experienced. I can only imagine what it must have been like. A cold blue sky filled with clouds that hid so many deadly dangers. Each flight could be his last. And yet, my hero father would climb aboard his potential coffin for those four agonizing years. So, here is my tribute to my personal hero, my Dad. I know that there are many, many other Dads out there that deserve just as much. My wish is that they too feel the gratitude that they so richly deserve. visionary imagist "Joey"


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L.A. Spilsbury 07 Jan 2008

what a wonderful story about your dad. The painting is fantastic and all your work continues to inspire me in many ways.

Artist Reply: L.A. : the feeling is mutual. I, too, love your artwork and your style. Thanks for being you.

Gabrielle Stahlie 04 Jan 2008

Joey, a true tribute to a good and brave man and a very touching story. It is good to think what our parents did for peace and liberty and what they accomplished in life, by giving... A beautiful painting Joey.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle; thank you my friend for that kind remark. i really appreciate you doing so.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 03 Jan 2008

We can see where you get your positive attitude from! What a wonderful insight to part of your father's life. He would be proud of your many talents!

Artist Reply: Jessica; thanks for sharing with me. I do appreciate your kind remarks.

Barry Huyett 02 Jan 2008

is this a B-21............great story..........have a good nEW yEAR!

Artist Reply: B-25. thanks for stopping by and sharing. Stop back anytime.

walt larsen 01 Jan 2008

wow, what a story of hidden glory. awesome painting seen here !!!!!

Artist Reply: Walt: thank you for commenting. i really appreciate your words. stop back anytime.

Joke Schotting 01 Jan 2008

Wonderful work and story wish you all the best for 2008 Joey!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Joke and the best to you and yours in the upcoming year.

Chris Roukema 01 Jan 2008

Great Tribute to Your Father, Joey! This Painting is really Awesome!

Artist Reply: Chris; i really appreciate your remarks. thanks my friend.

Renata Cavanaugh 01 Jan 2008

Excellent work Joey

Artist Reply: thanks Renata. i look forward to seeing your new art in the upcoming year. take care my friend.

John Fish 31 Dec 2007

Wonderful story and how great to honor your Dad on the beginning of a New Year. I like the painting because it has a vintage feel. I think it's something about the blue tones. Have a great 2008

Artist Reply: John; Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my little oil and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR too.

Nira Dabush 31 Dec 2007

You created a very special tribute to your very special father, Joey. It is true some soldiers can't tell their stories to their close relatives...It's sad, I think it can release some of the pains surely seen in wars. My father was a soldier in "Golani-Brigade " as his MUST military service, until he was very badly wounded, while their truck turned over...and his back was broken...He could have been crippled of the Israeli army..But after some time in hospital, he continue his service to the country. I think Joey ONCE, At the time your father did his military service, soldiers talked LESS,Or none. I know my father didn't talk perhaps because of military confidentiality...As kids we even didn't know his watchword...nor did my mother know. Soldiers of today are different, at least in Israel...they talk..and i think it's better,that they can. With hope for a better tomorrow..for never need to have soldiers, or wars...FOR PEACE & LOVE..in the new year and always. AND...I think the purple heart belongs with the box of treasures.

Artist Reply: Nira: thank you for sharing about your father. It is so nice to hear the stories about our loved ones. I pray that peace and abundance will be brought forth for all the people of the world. And may you and yours always have peace, love and abundance in your life. thank you my friend.

Anne Vis 31 Dec 2007

Strong design and beautiful tribute, Joey!

Artist Reply: Anne; I look forward to seeing your name upon my screen. thanks for sharing with me.

Emily Reed 31 Dec 2007


Artist Reply: Emily: thanks for your words of encouragement and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 31 Dec 2007

Wonderfully done VI - both the painting and the writing

Artist Reply: Ann: i always appreciate you stopping by and sharing with me about my artwork. thanks for your encouraging words.

Tahnja Wolter 31 Dec 2007

extraordinary and beautiful tribute. As I sit here contemplating my life ahead I am drawn into the memory and life of a dear friend who has also traveled the world and lived too many horrors within the confines of that small cockpit such as your Dad did. Wars and terrors read only in the eyes, a darkness so deep not even the blackness within the hidden corners of the soul can hide the memory that can be seen in a fleeting glimpse but only to those who have the eyes to see it there in the soul of the tormented. Such horrors are of men, not of God and only God can wipe away those haunts and griefs. My love to you my dear friend as I find yet another common ground we seem so often to find one another walking upon

Artist Reply: Tahnja; What an insightful and wisdom filled comment. With God all things are possible. Let us pray for world peace and abundance for all of life on this planet. Let war become a terrible memory of what used to be and work to live in a peace filled new world. Thanks for your sharing with me my friend.

annette steens 31 Dec 2007

Nice story about your dad Joey! Painting a great tribute to him. My dad went as a young boy from Rotterdam to Russia in 1942. What has been happening was always a riddle but he became not so old, sick and did not tell what has been happening.Now I understand his anger he always had. Never good to send boys/men to war because it will never solve any conflict just create more inside of those people when they are back home again. Thinking about the vietnam men. So sad! When will we ever learn?

Artist Reply: Annette: Your words are so true and profound and filled with wisdom. Let us pray for world peace for all people. It is not impossible if we try. I know that you are filled with love for all God's beings. May you always have peace and abundance in your life.

helen tyralik 31 Dec 2007

You have shown the true heroism of all men seving in conflicts everywhere very well and myDad served in the Dutch Navy and would not talk about the war either.

Artist Reply: Helen; Thanks for sharing with me about your Dad. I really appreciate your words.

Edward Bajgerowicz 30 Dec 2007

Wow this is awesome. My father was a medic during the Battle of the Bulge and receied 2 Purple Hearts.

Artist Reply: Edward: My Dad's brother, my uncle, was there too. Thanks for sharing with me.

Jerry 30 Dec 2007

Great action pictrure, details and style!

Artist Reply: Jerry: Thanks for stopping into my little gallery and sharing your remarks with me.