• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 271 of 279
  • Added 23 Jan 2008
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Behold Woodrow Wilson

Behold Woodrow Wilson Offers Up a Riddle Woodrow Wilson portends progress on your land. A people's empty head holds on high - priestly shamans adherents to the shore - offers trusting hearts to Dark Fabian's siren song. Gaze the mirror darkly glowing - there sacred countenance hanging. Behold shaded pinnings laid and olden praising as though lore - burning pages nineteen hundred more. Legion secrets where there were none. Clandestine ever changing over fallen ever climbing - never stopping, never giving - only taking for their own with titles interchanging - Definitions rearranging evil harvest they do sow. Now the treasure if you find it - where it's from just never mind it. Cry aloud no one hearing - heros downed as from behind. It's never where you think it. If it's hemlock you would drink it. Seek the answer to this riddle away your days you will diddle - bright performance your demise. Stalwart walls upon is written. Dandy musing wrong lest is given - even so all repeat it just the same. (This insoluble riddle's just for fun - you will not solve it lest history deep is your love. Though you will never admit it we all of us will relive it as in a tormenting dream that if we look far enough behind we can see tomorrow - and that's the good news. Now for the Bad...~:0)

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Anonymous Guest

Kim Reid 29 Sep 2019

Nice work. I never would of understood your illustration, until I read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Especially creepy is his chapters on the 'Report from Iron Mountain.' Thanks for your visual understanding of deep-state.

Anonymous Guest 22 Aug 2008

This is one of my favs. The monkey cyclist is up there too though, but I don't know...I have a thing for penguins...and cripples. M. Sinklier

Artist Reply: Penguins - they are at once victim and victimizer - beware!... beware... Ha! ~:0)

Doris B. Lambling 22 Apr 2008

grrr - it's so strange and also so fascinating and great!

Artist Reply: Thanks Doris - if you only knew the solution to the riddle you would find it even more so - those who do not learn what secrets holds history, themselves by blindness leads - what fun! Glad you stopped by - come back often ~:0)

Gavin North 24 Mar 2008

WOW I like this because it is so surreal. Excellent piece Chas

Artist Reply: Thanks for commenting on good ol' WW - took his country years to struggle past his surreal meddling in humanity's structure - this image and story holds many symbols - and lots of cute penguins! Jejeje ~:0)

Seth Weaver 04 Mar 2008

An awesome visual storyteller and artist...you are so talented, Charles.

Artist Reply: Thanks Seth - you've earned free parking on your next visit with that nice comment~:0)