• Anneke Hut
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  • Added 15 Apr 2008
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Happy Birthday Leonardo!

This painting is a tribute to Leonardo da Vinci, whose Birthday it is today.

This is my interpretation of the Last Supper. Jesus washing the feet of the disciples.

“Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art” (Leonardo da Vinci)

The wonderful words below were written to this painting by Olga (thank you so much dear friend!):

John 13:2-14
Jesus’ act was both literal and symbolic.

First, the washing was an act of love and care.
Taking each foot into His hands, He carefully removed the dirt and the grime accumulated from walking across dusty lands with only sandals for protection from the elements.

As He bathed each foot, He brought cleanliness and comfort to those who served Him.
His actions also hold more than physical meaning. When he washed the Apostles’ feet, He became their servant.

As he poured the water over their skin, He purified them, cleansing His disciples of their sins.

As He used the towel around His waist to dry their feet, He wiped away any wrongdoings, giving them a new beginning.

When Jesus asked His followers to “wash one another’s feet,” He did not mean this in only just a literal sense. He asked His disciples to serve those most in need; to treat everyone as equals, and to bring the Good News to every person without discrimination.

Love and Light~OLGA


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Nira Dabush 04 Sep 2022

Unique tribute Anneke.. Splendid.

Angel Estevez 19 Sep 2014

Really a very expressive art!!! Perfect use of colors and shapes. Great talent! Congratulations Anneke ...

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your beautiful words, Angel!

Tim Linville 06 Mar 2014

Beautiful Work!You Have a Really Fine Art Style,With a Set of Brushes,Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Tim!

Pamela Rivera 27 Feb 2014

wow! one of my favorite stories! and artists .... well done:)

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it, thank you!!

yves colas 07 Dec 2013

amazing artwork and tribute,excellent painting.

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it! Thank you very much, Yves!

Michael Durst 25 Jul 2011

Beautifully done!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Michael!

Elena Oleniuc 19 Apr 2010

Beautiful work !

Artist Reply: Thank you, Elena!

Ana Leal 17 Jan 2010

very very good work!!!! congractulations!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Ana!!

Bruce Combs 30 Jun 2009

I had to come back to see this again, Anneke, among your many beautiful, moving, inspiring paintings. How did you do the upper background, may I ask. It looks sort of like the thin wet paint being moved around -- is that a wash? I don't know the word. Did you with acrylic? I tried that once and have intended to some more but I've just been into thickness! And Olga's message is so appropriate! Someday will you tell me how to put sound with the photos? I'll pay you, or somehow make it worth your while. Much Peace, etc., Bruce

Artist Reply: Hi Bruce, nice to see you again! :) I didn't get an AW email notification of your message, therefore my late reply, for which I apologize. It went strange with the background, this painting was supposed to become an abstract when I started with it. But the paint (indeed acrylics) got a bit overly wet, so I patted it with a tissue, then the background came out like this. I liked it so I left it. Then suddenly I was inspired to paint the feet washing and thought it would be worth a try to paint it over the background. So everything on this painting is quite accidental as mostly on my work :). I will email you about the music, it would be too much to tell here, but I will gladly inform you out of friendship, no service in return required :). I still love Olga's description too, she knows so much about these things. Thanks for the visit and the kind words, dear friend.

John Cappello 18 Mar 2009

Obviously you are great with you hands, /and feet!

Artist Reply: Mostly I'm having big problems painting them, sometimes they turn out okay by accident. Thanks for the kind comment to my work, John!

Sigridur Bachmann 06 Feb 2009


Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Sigridur! It's great to see you!

demetrios vlachos 13 Jan 2009


Artist Reply: Many thanks, Demetrios!

Ethan Vaughn 04 Jan 2009

allow me to say how powerful this portrait is. you've given the viewer so much in such few strokes of genius. i'm currently working on "A Samarathan woman & Jesus at the Well" i can only hope that it can say something as meaningful and powerful as this!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for this great compliment, Ethan! I can't wait to see your new work! I just hopped over to your beautiful gallery, I see it's not yet there. I will keep an eye on it, it's a lovely theme!

Cindy Hunt 01 Dec 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Cindy, thank you for your wonderful comment to my painting!


Anneke, there is a distinct tenderness in this work, it is very inspirational, and your passion shines through. I am touched by your representation of one of my most favorite readings.

Artist Reply: Diane, thank you very much for your very kind words to my painting.

David Gharibashvili 14 Nov 2008

Very interesting... I like your techique, simple, few colors, large brushstrokes (reminds me some of Picasso's early works) ... the theme and composition are very interesting too... I've got an impression, as if this is a detail of some bigger painting.

Artist Reply: David, thank you for the wonderful words to my painting! This is all it is, but you bring up a very good idea for the future. Maybe I could make a new one some day with all the others gathered around. :)

Dartey Bright 13 Nov 2008


Artist Reply: Many thanks for the kind comment, Dartey!

Marika Antal 25 Oct 2008

love your work!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the visit and the kind comment, Marika!

amira el-fohail 09 Oct 2008

What a lovely composition Anneke.

Artist Reply: Hi Amira, thank you very much for the kind words.

Sharon Lee 03 Oct 2008

This is amazing! It brings peace to my soul and reverance to my heart.

Artist Reply: What a wonderful comment to my painting, Sharon! Thank you so much!

Ulisse Mladenova 13 Sep 2008

great artwork Aneke! And thank you for the kind words.

Artist Reply: You're welcome, Ulisse. Your work is very beautiful! Thank you for your kind comment on mine!

judit dora 05 Sep 2008

Fantastic image. I love it.

Artist Reply: I'm happy you like it, Dorit. Thank you! :)

Joanne Woolley 01 Sep 2008

Wow, a beautiful piece with a lovely message:)

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like the message, I like it too, very much. Also glad that you like the painting, thanks a lot, Joanne!

vivian sellers 22 Aug 2008

I went to a museum of CHristian art at the Passion Play ,,Eureka Springs Ark....they would buy this in a heartbeat and you would be famous,,,you should contact them girl!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the tip and the confidence, Vivian, but I don't need to be famous. Am completely happy with my life. :) Many thanks for your kind comment!!

margaret mckeehan 11 Aug 2008


Artist Reply: I'm nothing compared to you, dear Margaret! I'm happy with your visit and your kind words, thank you!

James Anderson 10 Aug 2008

Great painting! Yes, when the Apostles had been talking about who would be the greatest among them here Christ showed what greatness truly was. It was being the servant of others, even washing the feet of the one who he knew would betray him.

Artist Reply: I agree very much with you, James! Beautiful words again, for which I really thank you!

Greg Vilton 03 Aug 2008

Beautiful painting! The red colour in the background adds a lot of impact to this very symbolic scene.

Artist Reply: The red was a bit of an accident, I like it myself. :)) Thanks for stopping by, Greg!!

Kristin Greenfelder 29 Jul 2008

My favorite colors, and the most pure way to live. Humbling. Inspiring. I suppose that was His point.

Artist Reply: Yes, I agree, I'm sure it was! Thanks for the kind comment, Kristin.

carlos martins 15 Jul 2008

Lovely work fantastic

Artist Reply: Hi Carlos, thank you very much for your kind words!

Ora Moon 14 Jul 2008

Lovely work, those colors are fantastic!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it, Ora. Thank you!

jennifer blenkinsopp 08 Jul 2008

Outstanding composition love it.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for your kind comment, Jennifer.

James Mann 27 Jun 2008

nice composition & color

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, James!

Chas Sinklier 25 Jun 2008

Love Leonardo - I've posted another view of foot-washing based on the woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears - your story depicted here is one of me favs and focuses on the moment - bewdy ~:0)

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your wonderful words, Chas! I'm hopping over to your gallery. :)

Linda Scott 21 Jun 2008

Both this painting and Olga's words so encapsulate the essence of what it means to follow Him... everyone should see this. Make cards and I'd buy them to send to everyone I know! Beautiful job - both of you!

Artist Reply: Indeed, Olga spoke beautiful words to the painting and I agree with you, there's no better way than to go with Jesus! Thank you very much for your wonderful words, dear Linda!

Steve Farr 20 Jun 2008

Luv it, Anneke!! Very nicely done!! ~S

Artist Reply: I'm happy that you like it, lots of thanks, Steve!

indarto budi 18 Jun 2008

Great capture! and love the coloring!

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Indarto!

Ruth Kauffman 17 Jun 2008

Anneke...this is just STUNNING WORK and the words by Olga, are so meaningful!! Adding the music...a very spiritual time! Thank you both!!!

Artist Reply: Olga added beautiful words to it, I can't thank her enough! I thank you also for YOUR wonderful words, Ruth. They are greatly appreciated!

elizabeth clausen 17 Jun 2008

I like the colors and feel of this painting in particular!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for your kind words, Elizabeth!

Barbara j beck-azar 16 Jun 2008

it's a very touching tribute to Loenardo - and to the times wehn scripture was foundational to all creative arts. lovely painting.

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot for the wonderful comment to my work, Barbara!

Jan van Baarle 16 Jun 2008

Fantastic work!

Artist Reply: Hi Jan, thanks for the visit and the kind words.

Ginger Lovellette 15 Jun 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you, Ginger!

Maria Anna Machado 14 Jun 2008

Your delicatese and beautiful music, I'm crying.

Artist Reply: I hope they are tears of happiness for everything the Lord has done for us, Maria. :) Thank you for the kind words!

Mark Saxton 10 Jun 2008

really nice job. good colors too.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it, Mark!

thea walstra 09 Jun 2008

Awesome work!

Artist Reply: Hi Thea, it's a nice surprise to see you here! Thank you very much!

William Boyer 08 Jun 2008

Great job

Artist Reply: Thanks for stopping by, William!

stephanie atlee 08 Jun 2008

Beautiful and moving...well done

Artist Reply: Hi Stephanie, thanks for the wonderful words!

june hazeldene 08 Jun 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you, June!

Gavin North 05 Jun 2008

This is amazing Anneke, you have such a unique style. Very bold a fantastic tribute to Di vinci, excellent work. Love the piano, truly stunning and inspiring

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Gavin! :)

Sara Deutsch 05 Jun 2008

Brilliant and moving...

Artist Reply: Hi Sara, thank you! :)

Olga Dmytrenko 03 Jun 2008

Great work, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Olga!

Mary Ashton 02 Jun 2008

Beautiful symbolic piece Anneke. Olga's description is so true. Wonderful combination. Mary

Artist Reply: I agree, I'm very happy Olga contributed her wonderful comment here. Your comment is also very much appreciated, Mary. Many thanks!

Rebecca Mullan 01 Jun 2008

Annike this is simply stunning! Your write-up is very beautiful too. Amazing tribute!!

Artist Reply: The wonderful words are written by Olga and I'm still very happy with them. :) Thank you for the comment, Rebecca.

David Holcombe 31 May 2008

We get an intimate picture of the event without identifying the subjects. That allows us to use our own imagination about the people involved. Imagination is a powerful force, indeed.

Artist Reply: I think an artist wouldn't go far without imagination. :)Thank you very much for visiting my gallery and leaving your kind words, David.

Vivian Gutierrez 31 May 2008

beautiful work

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Vivian.

Anna Sylvester 29 May 2008

Lovely! What an honor to a master of The Master! I like the use of reds--a fortelling of what our Savior would soon endure. Gave me chill bumps--well done!

Artist Reply: Hi Anna, good to see you in my gallery! :) Thank you for your wonderful words!

ron sargent 29 May 2008

Its amazing how one picture can say so much, wonderfully done!

Artist Reply: That's a very kind comment, thank you, Ron!

Georgio Groussis 28 May 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you very much for your wonderful comment, Georgio! Your words are very inspiring.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 26 May 2008

FANTASTIC art! So very impressive~

Artist Reply: Hi Jessica, many thank for the wonderful comment!

Eileen Kasprick 26 May 2008

Great work...wonderful message.

Artist Reply: Thanks for stopping by and your kind words, Eileen.

Hugo Revuelta 26 May 2008

Unique tribute. Well painted.

Artist Reply: I really appreciate your opinion, Hugo. Thank you very much for your comment.

KC CHANG 25 May 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, KC!!

jeanette foresta 24 May 2008

What a great message too!

Artist Reply: I'm very happy with Olga's words, they're telling so well what's it all about. Thank you very much for the kind words, Jeanette.



Artist Reply: Many thanks, Lisette!

Irena Dukule 19 May 2008

Wonderful, beautifully painted!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the comment to my work, Irena!

Barry Huyett 18 May 2008

WOW......beautiful art and music!

Artist Reply: Hi Barry, thank you for the kind words! :)

Shakeh Sarookhanian 15 May 2008

Realy nice painitng and great explanation.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Shakeh!

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 14 May 2008

Really beautifully painted Anneke - and also much appreciate the Leonardo da Vinci quote which I have not seen before.

Artist Reply: Hi Ann, thank you for the visit to my gallery and your kind words!

AVE HURLEY 11 May 2008

Since it is our feet that come in contact with the earth, washing each others feet symbolically is removing or forgiving our transgressions- sins 'outside' of the body...Jesus said whoever is greatest among you will be servant of all and demonstrated his words by humbling himself to wash out feet~ that which carries us to whereever we go and through whatwever we do.Jesus also is living water and we are refreshed by his sacrifice for us all. Out of him flows rivers of living waters, cleansing us from all unrighteousness of the days struggles.What a friend we have in Jesus who gave himself up for us all together and individually!! Praise God~ this is a wonderful painting and theme. The music is a wonderful addition as well~ GBU~! Ave

Artist Reply: I agree totally with your words, Olga is saying about the same and it's why I like this moment of the last supper so much. Thank you very much for your comment, Ave!

Loredana 09 May 2008

This is trully beautiful Anneke :

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Loredana!

Anonymous Guest 09 May 2008

Lieve Anneke, Elke keer als ik dit prachtige plaatje zie (met pracht muziek) ben ik weer onder de indruk. Ik maak het mijn pic of the day, want men kan het niet vaak genoeg zien! --Love and Light~OLGA

Artist Reply: Olga, je bent een echte schat! :) Gaat het goed met je?Een heel fijn weekend toegewenst!!

Chris Roukema 07 May 2008

Most Excellent Work, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you for the visit and the kind comment, Chris.

Caballero Salguero 07 May 2008

Delicate and very well composed. Brillant fragment. Anneke!!!

Artist Reply: Hi Caballero, thanks a lot for your beautiful comment!

Sandra McClure 03 May 2008

Beautiful work Anneke. EXcellent

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Sandra. I appreciate your opiniion greatly!

Katerina Koukiotis 02 May 2008

one of my favorite artists,beautiful tribute!

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind words, Katerina!

Gabrielle Stahlie 30 Apr 2008

Prachtig gedaan Anneke...

Artist Reply: Hartelijk dank, Gabrielle! :)

Jodi Keys 30 Apr 2008

I adore this an love Leonardo's work! Bravo

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the wonderful words, Jodi.

Renata Cavanaugh 28 Apr 2008

Beautiful work and dedication!

Artist Reply: Thank you for your beautiful comment, Renata!

Heather Leigh Douglas 24 Apr 2008

Beautifully done, in every way ~

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Heather!

Christine brand 24 Apr 2008

Hello Anneke! of course this deserves honorable mention!!! I add another vote for its' wonderful and dedicated cause. Sinseerly CB

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Christina! :)

Anonymous Guest 24 Apr 2008

Excellent theme and subject, Happy birthday to the Great Artists of all the world, to Leonardo and every heart that etches or writes a line in hope to communicate. To all the children of the world, Happy Birthday. May we never forget that the true art is love, Christ set the way and lived the example. May we ever follow in his footsteps acting upon his every word in reverence for all those that inhabit the universe, animal, human or plant, etc. May we all live as Holy and be called as his Saints to be the artist he would have us to be. This is a wonderful work because it is the focus off truth and love. I admire your expression very much. Go with God. Sinseerly CB

Artist Reply: Christine, what a wonderful words to my painting, much more beautiful than I could ever say it myself. Thank you so much!!

Claudia Huefner 23 Apr 2008

Wooooow! No words to describe my feelings watching and hearing it.....

Artist Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed it, Claudia. Thanks for the visit!

Olga Osi 22 Apr 2008

Most beautiful piece! Awesome presentation of humbleness!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the kind words, Olga!

Nira Dabush 22 Apr 2008

outstanding work, accompany with a magnificent music choice. LOVE IT...Anneke

Artist Reply: Thank you for the sweet words, Nira! :D

Kathie Nichols 21 Apr 2008

Very beautiful Anneke, wondeful composition!

Artist Reply: Hi Kathie, thank you very much!

annette steens 21 Apr 2008

beautiful painted Anneke!

Artist Reply: Hi Annette, thank you very much!

Autumn Borges 21 Apr 2008

so moving and wonderful:0)

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Autumn. I'm glad you like it! :)

Doris B. Lambling 20 Apr 2008

wonderful tribute - fantastic artwork!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, Doris!

Dean Swinfield 20 Apr 2008

Superb - very poignant

Artist Reply: Hi Dean, thank you for the compliment!

pat beuting 19 Apr 2008

Hallo Anneke Erg mooi en liefdevol!

Artist Reply: Hallo Pat, ik dacht al dat je Nederlandse was. Hartelijk dank voor je comment! :)

tiffany christie 17 Apr 2008

I love the meaning behind this peice. I often marvel at Jesus' humbleness. It is amazing. Great job!

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind words, Tiffany. Jesus is an example to all of us in every way.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 17 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Nelly, thanks for the visit and the wonderful comment! :)

Lucia Stewart 17 Apr 2008

Wow, this is just so beautiful Anneke! Excellent job!

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Lucia!

Julie Mayser 16 Apr 2008

Very wonderful painting, Anneke! And the music just sets the mood wonderfully...

Artist Reply: Thank you for the comment, Julie. :)

Brigitte Hintner 16 Apr 2008

Great work Anneke .....wonderful words, too...oh and music ? How can you do that ? Bravo !!!

Artist Reply: Hi Brigitte, I'm glad you enjoyed my newest painting. Thank you for the kind words.

Hiromi Green 16 Apr 2008

Awesome Anneke! My picture of the day

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Hiromi!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 16 Apr 2008

Fabulous work, Anneke!!! And Music is divine!!!

Artist Reply: Hi Alberto, it's Jim Brickman, music called "Devotion". Thank you for your kind words.

Stanley Layman 15 Apr 2008

Artfully done!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Stanley.

Tahnja Wolter 15 Apr 2008

so true and what an awesomely loving God we serve. Beautiful Anneke and Olga!

Artist Reply: Yes, thanks again, Olga! And thanks to you to, Tahnja, for visiting and the kind comment!

Emily Reed 15 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Emily, Thank you!

Donald Schrier 15 Apr 2008

This is wonderful and I did not have to read the source of this painting because it is such a well known story and so well depicted.

Artist Reply: Donald, thank you very much for your wonderful words.

Anonymous Guest 15 Apr 2008

Lieve Anneke, Wat een verzorgde maar bovenal een liefdevolle web-site met inhoud is dit toch! --Love and Light~OLGA

Artist Reply: Hallo Olga, bedankt dat ik je comment mocht gebruiken! :) Een fijne dag toegewenst!

jamie winter 15 Apr 2008

oh this is awesome Anneke. fantastic

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Jamie!

Anonymous Guest 15 Apr 2008

Magnetic. Ron Atkin

Artist Reply: Hi Ron, thank you for stopping by!

Seth Weaver 15 Apr 2008

A brilliantly done painting, Anneke. Everything works in this work, the modeling, the pose, and the mood. Superb painting.

Artist Reply: Wonderful compliments, for which I thank you very much, dear Seth!

Anne Vis 15 Apr 2008

Awesome work, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you Anne! I like your new work also very much.

Joanna Jungjohann 15 Apr 2008

precious lord, what magnificent work. For truly he has blessed you with the gift of messenger! beautiful awesome work, Anneke. Peace be yours, Jo.

Artist Reply: Peace to you also, Joanne. I do so hope that you are doing well. It's very sweet to make the effort to visit my gallery in this for you so difficult time. Thank you very much for the beautiful words!

Elf Evans 15 Apr 2008

A very kind wish, and fine image!

Artist Reply: Hi Elf, good to see you :)! Thanks for the visit and the kind words.

brenda coster 15 Apr 2008

Beautiful painting Anneke...so calming and says so much!

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind comment, Brenda.

Bev Chudey 15 Apr 2008

Beautiful inspirational work of art Anneke!!

Artist Reply: Hi Bev, I'm glad you like it, many thanks!

Brenda Thour 15 Apr 2008

Wonderful painting Anneke. Such a beautiful, emotional and strong piece.

Artist Reply: Brenda, your words are highly appreciated, thank you very much!

Robin Webster 15 Apr 2008

Bravo!!!!! This is a wonderful piece! So touching and full of emotion!

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot for writing these kind words to my painting, Robin.

Phil Cashdollar 15 Apr 2008

fantastic work of art anneke...bravo..my pic of day..

Artist Reply: Always nice to read your kind words, Phil. Thank you very much!!

Olga van Dijk 15 Apr 2008

Oh Anneke ... wat MOOI...... Beautiful and symbolic. This takes my breath away... John 13:2-14... Beautiful accompanying music with this awesome AWESOME painting (who plays and who's the composer? --Jesus’ act was both literal and symbolic. First, the washing was an act of love and care. Taking each foot into His hands, He carefully removed the dirt and the grime accumulated from walking across dusty lands with only sandals for protection from the elements. As He bathed each foot, He brought cleanliness and comfort to those who served Him. His actions also hold more than physical meaning. When he washed the Apostles’ feet, He became their servant. As he poured the water over their skin, He purified them, cleansing His disciples of their sins. As He used the towel around His waist to dry their feet, He wiped away any wrongdoings, giving them a new beginning. When Jesus asked His followers to “wash one another’s feet,” He did not mean this in only just a literal sense. He asked His disciples to serve those most in need; to treat everyone as equals, and to bring the Good News to every person without discrimination. Happy to see it as pic of the day... Love and Light~OLGA

Artist Reply: Dearest Olga, thank you so much for these wonderful words! Would you mind if I use them for my description? They are just my thoughts, but you can say it so much better than I can. I'm really happy that you like this, I value your opinion greatly! The music is played by Jim Brickman and is called 'Devotion'. :)

Analua 15 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks Analua!

Joke Schotting 15 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Joke, thank you for your neverending support! What about the calendar? :)))

Armando Salas 15 Apr 2008

Wowwowwow...! You rock, girl! What an amazing image! Top notch, my dear Anneke!!!

Artist Reply: I thank you for the great comment, Armando!

Cristina Marsi 15 Apr 2008

Amazing Job, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Cristina!

joost 15 Apr 2008

Prachtig werk Anneke...Beautiful work Anneke ...Congratulations and my pic of the day...

Artist Reply: That's very sweet of you, Joost! Thanks a lot! Also for your kind comment. :)