• Terry Harris
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  • Added 19 Apr 2008
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Sweet Bonnie

This is Bonnie, a very smart, sweet dog that belongs to my brother in-law & his wife. She is such a lovely dog and wonderful personality. She makes a wonderful subject, always ready to have fun, run, or come get petted. She loves traveling in the car as well. I am going to have to get one of these beautiful dogs as I keep borrowing then from family members. LOL! I digitally painted this using an electronic drawing tablet (Wacom tablet( & it's wireless stylus pen-not a computer mouse. It hooks up to the computer, I use art software, Corel's Painter X, to draw, paint, select colors, mediums to mimic, textures, blends of paints, as I would with a real canvas. This is not a photo manipulation or the results of an auto convert to artistic effect work. It took hours, days to complete. In the close up you can see all the brush strokes & blends of the palette paints I used. It was a joy to work on.


Anonymous Guest

Corr Hokanson 21 Jun 2023

Very good. I like the details. Hope I get as good as you someday.

Hui Zhu 21 Apr 2008

Wow...this is cool...Great painting !!! O.oP

Artist Reply: Thank you Hui! I love playing with the fur & shades of color. Even got to sneak in purple, a favorite color of mine.

Blue Doll 20 Apr 2008

I am perplex.. what you make girl... very very well done :o)

Artist Reply: Thank you Blue Doll! LOL! It takes a bit of time to do some of these, like this one with all the fur & colors in it. Still, I like a challenge.

Stanley Layman 19 Apr 2008

Noble dog, great work!

Artist Reply: Thank you Stanley! Dogs like this are noble & would guard your life if needed. Unlike of of my former pets, Nieve- a Siberian Husky, he'd greet some one or run to hide instead of proctecting me. Huskeys are quite know as not a breed to be a watch dog. I loved him anyway, he passed away a few months ago. I will miss him.

debbie collier 19 Apr 2008

Beautifully done!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie! I will have to do more dogs, maybe a series of dog breeds in the future, as well as cats. Just need to get out and find some more to take stock photos of.

Teresa Dominici 19 Apr 2008

Great art work.

Artist Reply: Thank you Teresa! I treasure pets, and love doing their portraits, even when they are not mine.

jamie winter 19 Apr 2008

most awesome work Terry

Artist Reply: Thank yo Jamie! It's a good way to learn to paint hair! Her hair was pointing all different directions as well as different lengths. It was a good learning experience for me to improve. the fur took forever, but I enjoyed the challen of painting it.

Joke Schotting 19 Apr 2008

Beautiful Terry!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Joke so much! This breed is always so beautiful, one of my favorite breeds.

Emily Reed 19 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you Emily! I'm giving a print of this as a gift to her owners. I'm looking forward to visiting with them soon.

Armando Salas 19 Apr 2008

She looks a very friendly dog. Is she a bit sad?:-)

Artist Reply: LOL! She was waiting for owners to come out, always watchful she is. She is a great dog, and the collie in her is on guard ready to react. I think she is happiest when with her owners and out on a walk with them. I had a collie once and she used to herd the youngest daughter into the house when called in. It was hilarious to see her doing it. The daughter was very hyperactive & distracted easy, so it was a challenge to get her to come right in.