• julie Marks
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  • Added 28 Apr 2008
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Molly Meditating on Sacred Bridge

I might have appeared sad in my Pond and I do feel sorrow for all the animals on this planet that have been harmed and killed. It breaks my heart. I could have been one of them since when hunting dogs don’t perform, there are many accounts when their owners kill them, shock them with high voltage collars or abandon them in kill shelters. I think we all have to do everything we can to fine people who run puppy mills, make sure dogs are neutered or spayed since so many of us need homes and we must stop the insanity of kill shelters. My mom says that kill shelter is an oxymoron. I am meditating and then observing my sacred santuary since there are many creatures here that I protect including baby seals, elephants, wild horses, wolves, abandoned dogs that my mommy saves on the last day before they are put to sleep. Her fantasy is to one day have land to do more rescue work and I will help her with this noble mission. I also am going for training to be a therapy dog to help the elderly following in Mikey’s footsteps as a therapy dog for kids with cancer at Children’s hospital. If you have not read about my beloved Mikey, please read Dr. Mikey, therapy dog. Dogs do so much to help humans that I can’t understand or accept the cruelty the human species is capable of destroying themselves and the animals that share this planet. In times of stress, I come to this sacred bridge and meditate after I cool off in my pond. You can see how my hair looks when I am wet. Mommy thinks I look very beautiful. She tells me I am an Angel. I will show you some of the spirits that live in the trees and hopefully you can see the many faces of animals and people who have been here for a long time. This is a very spiritual place and I am so happy to share it with everyone who walks the path and over the bridge on their “healing journey.”

5 of 12 Comments Show All 12 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 13 Nov 2009


Stefani Wehner 01 Jul 2009

Sorry, I was the anonymous guest!!!

Anonymous Guest 01 Jul 2009

Fanatstic capture, excellently done. Love your whole portfolio, but specially all the beautiful photographs of your dogs!

Sandra Beech 22 Jun 2008

I love this so much, not to mention the commentary. I, too, have complete lack of patience or acceptance of man's cruelty to animals. I've long said that anyone who would hurt or neglect a defenseless creature is capable of any evil imaginable. You are answering God's call for your life. Blessings to you.

Sharon Gonzalez 09 May 2008

This is superb, Julie!!!! Love it!