• Terry Harris
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  • Added 18 May 2008
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Gem Sparkles Cross # 4

I love using reflective type elements in my designs. I often experiment with marbles, gemstones, and baubles, liquids, what ever I can find, take photos of, paint to create a design. I painted and manipulated objects to create this design. I will have a series of Gem Sparkles Crosses that will have a variety of colors & designs that I will be posting as I complete ones that please me with the results. These take a bit more effort, but are well worth the results I manage to get. Some of it is math related, as well experimenting with combinations of designs to get certain results. I love finding new ways to add to what I already know how to do, so I hope my crosses continue to bring you pleasure.


Anonymous Guest

ron sargent 30 May 2008

Wondererfully done!

T.D. Ruley 20 May 2008

this one speaks volumes...great work

Artist Reply: Thank you T.D.!!! That means so much to me.

Hui Zhu 19 May 2008

beautiful work Terry *_^

Artist Reply: Thank you Hui! I love the elegant results this one has, and will work on some more with a variety of colors as well.

Blue Doll 19 May 2008

wowww looks awesome...

Artist Reply: Thank you Blue Doll so much! I am still experimenting with these, and hope to continue to evolve the designs.

Emily Reed 18 May 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks Emily! I love making the more elaborate designs, I'm usually thinking about stain glass, gems, beads, and other reflective beauties when I do this type. I've some new baubles I'm studing and should have some new designs finished by next week or so.

jamie winter 18 May 2008

fantstic Terry. beautiful design

Artist Reply: Thank you Jamie. I am having fun with these crosses. I am still unpacking at my new home, but have some areas that I will put the cross designs as square tiles in the home, as well as some wall "quilt" groupings. When I get enough of them that work together, I will print them on my proprinter to make a quilt for my bedroom. I love my printer, and that I can print on fabric.

Sharon Gonzalez 18 May 2008

Beautiful, Terry!

Artist Reply: Thank you Sharon. Some flat marble gems I have for decor started me off with this desgn. I collect glass marbles & bits for some mosiacs I have planned, but love studying them for new ideas.