• Jessica Rose
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  • Added 27 Jun 2008
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Baby Chipmunk

The Chipmunk Chipmunk, like squirrel, embodies the quality of trust. They have little fear of people and are often found in rural areas, city parks and in the wild. Chipmunks are very curious and take the time to explore everything that comes across their path. They are inquisitive, fearless and playful. They do what they want to do in their own time frame. They are quite vocal often drawing attention to themselves. Chipmunk medicine people will not tolerate being told what to do or when to do it. They make good leaders and spokespersons. When a chipmunk is twelve weeks old they have the ability to be on their own. The symbolism of the number twelve or the combined numbers of one and two should be studied by those with this totem. Cycles occur regularly in a persons life and those with chipmunk medicine will often find that changes will occur in their life approximately every twelve weeks or twelve months. Knowing this gives you forewarning and the opportunity for preparedness. By watching the chipmunks behavior much can be learned. They appear to scamper to and fro always in a hurry to get somewhere. Starting in one direction, circling around and arriving back where they started from. There is no detail that goes unnoticed by the chipmunk as they circle around and see beyond the obvious. Chipmunk teaches the art of observation and appropriate movement. Chipmunks have an air of independence and certainty about them. Their inquisitive nature leads them into unexplored territory and their detailed mind leaves no stone unturned. If chipmunk is your totem pay attention to how your energy is being used. Are you thoughts constructive or destructive? Are your fears keeping you from playing and enjoying life? Are you in charge of your life or have you given you authority over to another? Chipmunk is the messenger of many realms. If this is your totem you are on your way to self discovery. sayahda.com

5 of 11 Comments Show All 11 Comments

Anonymous Guest

MJ Mitchell 04 Jan 2009

Fabulous closeup!

debbie collier 23 Jul 2008

I love this face!!!

Anonymous Guest 30 Jun 2008


Kimberly Rose 28 Jun 2008

lol! this close up furry face makes me laugh! Great shot Jessica!

Jan Jacob Mekes 28 Jun 2008

Wow, so cute, awesome close-up!