• Pamela Davidson
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  • Added 19 Jul 2008
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Chicken Pickin's

Some of you might think that shooting at the zoo can be dull. However today was not like every other day.

It was feeding time for the Arctic Wolves. They waited patiently as the keeper brought the food in. A couple of ladies standing nearby, commented to the keeper about the Eagle.. Ummmm Eagle what Eagle.. they were wondering if the eagle would get the chicken instead of the wolves. I looked up and sure enough, high atop the tree perched a majestic Bald Eagle.

I quickly forgot all about the Arctic Wolves and concentraited on the Eagle. After several grand shots of him, it was clear the Eagle had his sights on the chicken. Of the 3 wolves, one it seemed, knew his dinner was in peril, so he would drag each piece down around the corner. My curiousity had been peaked and I wondered if he was cleaning the food first. I followed him down and took a peek over the observation platform. HHHmmmm nope, he was only just eating it in a safe place away from the chicken thief high above.

At that moment a hugh commotion took place, I could just see the back tail feathers of the eagle as he flew off with.... Yup the last piece of chicken!!! Why is it that the best shots come only when your attention is somewhere else??? I followed the eagle's flight to a far off tree, I did take a final shot, but it was to far off to be a clear image.

This shot is of the Arctic Wolf moving his dinner to a safe location, I will post a shot of the eagle with a zoom of the far off tree. Taken at the GVZ in Aldergrove, B.C.

*Special thanks to the two ladies, who without them, I would not have looked up and found the Bald Eagle. :)


Anonymous Guest

Dean Swinfield 17 Aug 2008

Great story and what a wonderful wolf.

Artist Reply: Thanks for the comment Dean.. glad you enjoyed it!

MJ Mitchell 19 Jul 2008

lol - what a fantastic story! The arctic wolf is stunning - so beautiful. You captured him beautifully!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed my musings MJ, its so hard to think of them as vicious wolves, you just want to hop the fence and go play fetch with em!

Sharon Gonzalez 19 Jul 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks so much Sharon.. I do so appreciate your kind comments :)