• gerry logan
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  • Image 32 of 221
  • Added 15 Dec 2008
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This poor moth had been through the meal sort of say. I found it at the fair grounds just trying to survie the crowds I am not sure if it made it but I put it out away from the crowd and the next day it was gone never to be seen again

5 of 15 Comments Show All 15 Comments

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Maj-Britt Simble 08 Feb 2011

Beautiful butterfly!!!

Artist Reply: This is a Moth not a butterfly thanks for checking it out

Ravinder Dutt 16 Jun 2009


Artist Reply: Thanks so very much for checking it out

craynewhope 16 Feb 2009

There are 35,000 varieties of moth and The study is as interesting as butterflies. And just as much beauty to the Artist. And only 25,00 butterflies. Now that could take a lifetime to study so much beauty. I will save my hate for the mosqueto.

Artist Reply: Thats deep wow I am with you on that and its the female no less that sucks the blood how about that thanks so much for checking this out and your comment

Lindsey 09 Feb 2009

Well to say the least I HATE moths! they flutter and I dont know if they are blind or what but you wouldnt know the way they hit around on you and everything! But this is a great shot! I love the color and the almost like cat eyes stair right back at you! This is a great find and a GREAT job!

Artist Reply: I don't know if they have eyes or use there like a sonare type to find there way around. They can be pest but they are a beauty to find when you can find the big ones I have never seen them fly around people just lights thanks for your grand comment and checking this beauty out

Anonymous Guest 24 Jan 2009

Awesome shot!

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much I am so glad you liked it