• John Quandt
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  • Image 10 of 12
  • Added 21 Jan 2009
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(voices) in my head

this was for a contest at deviantart a while back. the original rendering really needed some help, it was a total disappointment considering the amount of time put into it (50-60 hrs). the problem was I had felt it needed to be perfect so I tried not to mess it up; that really was the whole problem. I had too much ownership, I was too concerned with 'making it right' versus just doing it. The original was put aside, I could have deleted it all but there was all that time involved in making an image (even if it was crumby). It is only around because this particular image was a learning experience by leaps and bounds. I went back to make it or break it, I did not care if I messed it up, heck, it was already there. I got into the 'zone,' it's the only place to be, it's my own universe, it's when whatever I do is right only because it is not judged to be wrong, if it seemed risky, I did it. In the end this actually turned out better than (the) planned (one). created in Photoshop CS2 copyright 2009 dJohnn absolutely no reproduction without owner's permission, if a print is desired I can upload an image without the watermark for that purpose.

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