• James Mobius
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  • Image 6 of 30
  • Added 07 Mar 2009
  • 1 Comment
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the Faerie Princess

copyright 2009 James Mobius mobiusbandwidth.com pencil and paper and stump, and 1% micron (.005) 3-6-09 (note, rescanned this, first one had a white vertical line in it. why does it say image pending review? oh hey everyone, she's stark naked! :p ) I spent a good deal of time on the hair on this one, but not enough, and not enough on the lower lip, I started to copy every highlight and shadow verbatim and then decided to just copy them in general feeling I could still get a good likeness and reasonable realism, which I did, but the one I did of Neo recently where I went to town on that lower lip paid off with those highlights popping off the page at me, or screen at you, next time I really need to do that. Still, at the moment I like this one. My model, once again Joanna. more of my art of her on my website, http://www.mobiusbandwidth.com/Joanna.html

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

tim linville 07 Dec 2010

Outstanding Hair works!Well done,James!